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Sorcerer Fundamentals

  • Resource: Mana - Refills automatically
  • Weapon Slots: - 2 x 1 handed weapons. 1 x 2 handed weapon.
  • Dismount Skill: Freezing Wake
  • Sorcerer Skill Trees:
    • Basic - Elemental damage skills that don't cost mana so always available to use. No Cooldowns.
    • Core - Elemental damage at the cost of mana. No Cooldowns.
    • Defensive - These mitigate damage received and increase survivability. They don't cost mana but do have Cooldowns.
    • Conjuration - Summon elemental entities. They don't cost mana.
    • Mastery - Heavy-duty damage. Cost mana but don't have Cooldowns.
    • Ultimate - Offensive and defensive. They don't cost mana but have long Cooldowns.
    • Key Passives
  • Sorcerer Specialization:

Starting and Levelling Up

Strength Intelligence Dexterity Willpower
Start With 7 10 7 8
1 Point in adds + 1 Armor + 0.05% All Resistances
x 0.01% Skill Damage
+ 0.025% Dodge Chance
x 0.2% Critical Strike Chance
+ 0.1% Healing received
+ 0.25% Overpower damage
x 0.1% Mana Regeneration

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Plenty of AOE skills Heavy on mana usage.
Defensive skills such as Flame Shield, Frost Nova, and Ice Armor. Most suited to ranged combat only.
Teleport to get out of sticky situations. A more limited arsenal to pick from. Daggers, Wands, Staves, and Focuses
Conjuration skills such as Hydra, Ice Blades, and Lightning Spear luring enemies to their death.

Diablo 4 Sorcerer Skills

Sorcerer Skill Notes

A new mechanic added to the Sorceress cold skills is chill. When a cold spell is used, it has a chilling effect which makes their movement speed slower and slower until they are frozen.

Sorcerer Passives

Certain Passives can affect an entire category of skills, for example, points in Align the Elements passive reduces the cost of all Mastery spells.

Skill Trees

Sorcerer Enchantment System - Class Mechanic

Part of the Sorceresses class mechanic the Enchantement System' allows you to add a selected skill to the skills Enchantment slot (Press S key to bring it up) and gain a bonus passive power from that skill. The Skill can still be used as an active skill.

Each skill offers something quite different whether it's dropping a random Meteor or increasing the chances of chilling a target. These Enchantment effects are passive so they happen automatically.

Sorcerer Enchantments
Enchantment Slot

  • First Enchantment slot unlocks at level 15 with the completion of the Sorcerer class quest. The second slot automatically unlocks at level 30.
  • You must have assigned at least one point to the skill. It won't be available to use as an Enchantment if the only points in it are from items.
  • The Enchantments cost zero mana when they activate.
  • Skills in the Enchantment slot can be swapped out at any time, on the fly at no cost. Simply drag and drop your new choice into the slot.
  • All active skills from the Basic, Core, Defensive, Conjuration and Mastery trees come with an Enchantment possibility and you can view all of those below in the expandable table.

+ Expand drop-down for all Enchantment Statistics.
Sorcerer Skill Multi-Elements
Familiar Each time you conjure a non-familiar Conjuration, you have a 25% chance to spawn a Familiar of the same element.

Sorcerer Skill Cold-Based Enchantment Effect
Frost Bolt Direct Damage from skills applies up to 18% Chill.
Frozen Orb Whenever you cast a non-Basic Skill, you have a 30% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at a nearby enemy.
Ice Shards Ice Shards automatically conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies.
Frost Nova Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a 35% chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
Ice Armor Upon getting hit, you have a 5% chance to apply Ice Armor.
Ice Blades For every 40 seconds in Cooldowns you spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a random enemy.
Blizzard Every 15 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows you for 10 seconds.

Sorcerer Skill Fire-Based Enchantment Effect
Fire Bolt Direct Damage from your skills applies up to an additional 23% Burning damage (DoT) over 8 seconds.
Fireball When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for 50% of its damage.
Incinerate Every 8 seconds a serpent spawns and Incinerates enemies for 8 seconds.
Flame Shield Flame Shield automatically activates after cumulatively losing 100% Maximum Life. Can only happen once every 30 seconds.
Hydra After spending 200 Mana, a 5-headed Hydra spawns for 10 seconds.
Firewall Lucky Hit: Up to 25% chance when dealing Burning damage to spawn 2 Firewalls for 3 seconds.
Meteor Lucky Hit: Up to an 8% chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.

Sorcerer Skill Lightning-Based Enchantment Effect
Spark Killing an enemy has a 14% chance to form a Crackling Energy.
Arc Lash When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned (CC) for 1 second.
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning forms automatically after spending 100 Mana.
Charged Bolts When you Stun (CC) an enemy, there is a 40% chance to release 3 Charged Bolts from them.
Teleport Evade is replaced with a short-range Teleport on a 17 second cooldown. This version of Teleport does not make you Unstoppable.
Lightning Spear Absorbing Crackling Energy has a 10% chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.
Ball Lightning Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 25% chance to spawn a static Ball Lightning.

How to unlock the Enchantment System

The system is unlocked via a quest called Legacy of the Magi which becomes available to you at level 15. You will need to battle through the Lost Archives dungeon and collect missing pages from the forgotten Codex for the NPC Mordarin who is located Southwest of Nevesk (Map).

When the pages are returned to Mordarin you will take part in a ritual which goes wrong. Mordarin will then give you the Codex and the Enchantment system will unlock.

Items and Weapons

The Sorcerer can equip the following weapons:

  • Dagger or Wand leaving the off-hand free to equip a Focus
  • Two-handed staff
  • One-handed sword
  • One-handed mace

Item Affixes

Each item type can come with certain item affixes. These are all detailed below including affixes that improve the Sorcerer's skills and appear on weapons that he is able to use.

Click the column headings to sort by item type. Refresh the page to reset.

+ Expand drop-down for all Sorcerer Item Affixes by Slot.

* An implicit stat, meaning that the item will always come with this attribute (affix) listed at the top of the item details up to a maximum of the figure shown.

Sorcerer item properties by slot - Click the column headings to sort by slot.
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapons Off-Hand
All Stats
[10 - 18]
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
[28 - 42]
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
[28 - 42]
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check

28 - 42

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check

28 - 42

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Cold Resist

35 - 65%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Fire Resist

35 - 65%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lightning Resist

35 - 65%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Poison Resist

35 - 65%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Shadow Resist

35 - 65%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 18.5% Resistance to All Elements
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Fire Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Lightning Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Lightning Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Lightning/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Lightning/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Shadow/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
Life on Kill

60 - 143

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Life Regen while not damaged recently

60 - 142

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Healing Received

7 - 14%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to Heal
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Maximum Life

358 - 776

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Potion Capacity
Small Tick Check
Potion Drop Rate
Small Tick Check
Maximum Mana
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Mana Cost Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Resource Generation
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore [X]% Primary Resource
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores 20% Resource
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Total Armor

5.2 - 12.5%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Barrier Generation

7 - 14%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 20% Maximum Life as Barrier
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction while Injured
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Burning
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 20% Block Chance
* 60% Block Damage Reduction
Dodge Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
* +2 Max Evade Charges
Small Tick Check
Movement Speed
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Movement Speed for 4 seconds After Killing an Elite
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 30% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds
Small Tick Check
* Evade Grants +50% Movement Speed for 1 Second
Small Tick Check
* Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 0.8 Second
Small Tick Check
Control Impaired Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Slow Duraction Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Shrine Buff Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Over Time
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attack Speed
Small Tick Check
Basic Skills Attack Speed

4.4 - 10%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 10% Lucky Hit Chance (wand)
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit Chance while you have a Barrier

4.4 - 10%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Injured Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to [X] Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Small Tick Check
Damage to Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 20% Damage to Close Enemies (dagger)
Small Tick Check
Damage to Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to Slow
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage for 4 seconds After Killing an Elite
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Overpower Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Vulnerable Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 35% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies (staff)
Small Tick Check
Crowd Control Duration

5 - 12%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Basic Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Core Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Conjuration Skill Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Conjuration Skills
Small Tick Check
Ranks to the Conjuration Mastery Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Elemental Dominance Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Mastery Skills
Small Tick Check
Ultimate Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks to All Defensive Skills
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Glass Cannon Passive
Small Tick Check
Fire Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Fire Damage Over Time
Small Tick Check
Damage to Burning Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Pyromancy Skill Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Devouring Blaze Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Endless Pyre Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Fireball
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Flame Shield
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Firewall
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Hydra
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Incinerate
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Inner Flames Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Meteor
Small Tick Check
Cold Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Frost Skill Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Chilled Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Frozen Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Blizzard
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Frost Nova
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Frozen Orb
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Hoarfrost Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Ice Armor
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Ice Blades
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Ice Shards
Small Tick Check
Ranks to the Icy Touch Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to the Permafrost Passive
Small Tick Check
Lightning Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lightning Critical Strike Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Shock Skill Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Crackling Energy Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Ball Lightning
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Chain Lightning
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Charged Bolts
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Lightning Spear
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Shocking Impact Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks to Teleport
Small Tick Check
Cooldown Reduction

4.2 - 7%

Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 7% Cooldown Reduction
Small Tick Check
Sockets 1 1 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 2
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapons Off-Hand

Sorcerer Legendary Aspects

These are Aspects beneficial to the Sorcerer class. Included are also generic Aspects that are useful to all classes too.

If a dungeon name is mentioned that Aspect is rewarded for completing the listed dungeon and will be automatically added to your Codex of Power. That Aspect can still be found as a drop however.

Use the drop-down below to see the full details of the Sorcerer Aspects.

+ Expand drop-down for all Sorcerer Aspect Statistics.
Name Category Description Dungeon Zone Class
Accelerating Aspect
Offensive Critical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by 10 - 30% [+] for 5 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Abundant Energy
Offensive Crackling Energy has a 35 - 55% chance to deal 40% [x] increased damage and chain to an additional enemy.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Accursed Touch
Offensive Lucky Hit: Up to a 20 - 40% chance for your skills to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies afflicted with Vampiric Curse are also Vulnerable. Vampiric Curse's stored souls deal 20 - 60% increased damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Adaptability
Utility When cast below 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills generate 3 of your Primary Resource, once per cast.

When cast at or above 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills deal 20 - 100% [x] increased damage.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Ancient Flame
Offensive While both bonuses from the Esu's Ferocity Key Passive are active, your Attack Speed is increased by 35 - 55%.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Armageddon
Offensive A hail of Meteorites falls during Inferno, dealing 75 - 135 Fire damage on impact. Your Meteorites Immobilize (CC) enemies for 3 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Assistance
Utility Your Reinforcement Cooldown is reduced by 23 - 33% [x]. After casting your Ultimate Skill, your Reinforcement Mercenary is called. This cannot occur more than once each 30 seconds.

Helm, Pants, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Audacity
Resource When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun (CC) them for 2.5 - 4.5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Binding Embers
Utility Flame Shield grants you Unhindered for its duration. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized (CC) for 1.5 - 3.4 seconds.

Helm, Pants, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Biting Cold
Offensive When you Freeze (CC) an enemy there is a 25 - 45% chance they become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Forgotten Depths
Dry Steppes Sorcerer
Aspect of Charged Flash
Offensive After Charged Bolts hit enemies 50 times, your next 3 casts of Charged Bolts becomes waves that pierce and critically surge upon impact.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Concentration
Resource Casting a Conjuration Skill grants you 15 - 30% [x] Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Concussive Strikes
Utility Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze (CC) them for 2 seconds.

You deal 5 - 25% [x] increased damage to Dazed enemies.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Conflagration
Offensive While channeling Incinerate, your Burning damage (DoT) is increased by 25 - 45% [x].

Enemies damaged by Incinerate explode, Burning all surrounding enemies for 120 - 420 over 6 seconds. Can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Light's Watch
Fractured Peaks Sorcerer
Aspect of Control
Offensive You deal 20 - 40% [x] more damage to Immobilized (CC), Stunned (CC), or Frozen (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Sunken Library
Kehjistan Sorcerer
Aspect of Creeping Death
Offensive You deal 5 - 20% [x] increased Damage over Time to enemies for each different Crowd Control effect they're afflicted by. Unstoppable enemies and Staggered Bosses take 10 - 40% [x] increased damage over time from you instead.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Disobedience
Defensive You gain 0.4 - 0.8% [x] increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 25- 46% [+].

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Halls of the Damned
Kehjistan All
Aspect of Efficiency
Resource Casting a Basic Skill reduces the Mana cost of your next Core or Mastery Skill by 35 - 55%.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Domhainne Tunnels
Scosglen Sorcerer
Aspect of Elemental Acuity
Resource Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your Mana Regeneration by 10 - 25% [x] for 5 seconds, once per element.

At maximum stacks, the total bonus is increased to 60 - 150% [x] for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire afterwards.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Elemental Constellation
Offensive Casting Pyromancy, Shock, and Frost Skills conjures a matching Elemental Dagger around you that pierces through enemies dealing (50-70% Weapon Damage) damage after 3 seconds. The damage increases by 100% per matching elemental skill you cast.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Elements
Offensive Gain 15 - 35% [x] increased damage to a set of damage types for 7 seconds. This effect alternates between 2 sets:
  • Fire, Lightning, and Physical.
  • Cold, Poison, and Shadow.

1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Amulet (+ 50%), Gloves, Ring

N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Engulfing Flames
Offensive You deal 6% increased Burning damage (DoT) to enemies for each second they remain Burning, up to 30% after 5 seconds. Additionally, you deal 10 - 30% [x] increased Burning damage to enemies that are not Healthy.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Fortune
Utility Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by 10 - 30% [x] while you have a Barrier active.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Frosty Strides
Utility While below 45 - 60% Life, Evade Freezes (CC) Close enemies, deals 450 Cold damage to them, and makes them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Frozen Memories
Offensive The Avalanche Key Passive now applies to 2 additional casts.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Frozen Orbit
Offensive Frozen Orb deals 30 - 50% increased damage and explodes an additional time.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Inevitable Fate
Offensive When an enemy falls below 35% Life while afflicted with any of your Damage over Time effects, an explosion occurs every 7 seconds, dealing 300 - 525 damage for each element they're afflicted by.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Inner Calm
Offensive Deal 5 - 13% [x] increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 3 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Raethwind Wilds
Scosglen All
Aspect of Metamorphosis
Mobility When you Evade you turn into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds. Enemies along your path take 300 Physical damage and are inflicted with Vampiric Curse. Evade's Cooldown is increased by 10 - 4 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Might
Defensive Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for 2 - 10 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Dark Ravine
Dry Steppes All
Aspect of Overheating
Offensive After channeling Incinerate for 2 seconds it deals 75-100% increased damage for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.<

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)

N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Overwhelming Currents
Offensive Unstable Currents has a 25 - 45% chance to cast an additional Shock Skill.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Piercing Cold
Offensive Ice Shards p pierce 10 times, dealing 4-10% more damage per subsequent enemy hit.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Dead Man's Dredge
Fractured Peaks Sorcerer
Aspect of Piercing Static
Offensive Charged Bolts pierce, but deal 70 - 30% [x] less damage to targets hit after the first.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Wretched Delve
Scosglen Sorcerer
Aspect of Retribution
Offensive Distant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned (CC) for 2 seconds when they hit you.

You deal 15 - 35% [x] increased damage to Stunned (CC) or Knocked Down (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Abandoned Mineworks
Kehjistan All
Aspect of Searing Wards
Offensive After spending [125 - 80] Mana your next Firewall is free to cast and will destroy incoming Small Missiles.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)

N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Shared Misery
Utility Lucky Hit: When you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a 35 - 55% chance for that Crowd Control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Hawezar All
Aspect of Shattered Stars
Offensive Meteorites fall around Meteor, dealing 30 - 50% of Meteor's damage on impact. Your Meteorites additionally Burn (DoT) enemies they hit for 135 - 225 damage over 6 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Shredding Blades
Offensive Ice Blades' chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by +20% and the Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain x15 - 35% Vulnerable Damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Singed Extremities
Utility After Immobilize (CC) or Stun (CC) wears off, enemies are Slowed (CC) by 45 - 65% for 4 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Earthen Wound
Hawezar Sorcerer
Aspect of Slaughter
Mobility You gain 20% Movement Speed. Lose this bonus for 5 - 2 seconds after taking damage from a Close enemy.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Sly Steps
Defensive When you would accumulate 50% of your Maximum Life lost, you automatically cast an equipped Defensive, Subterfuge or Macabre Skill before receiving damage. Can only occur once every 45 - 30 seconds and cannot cast Mobility Skills.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Splintering Energy
Offensive Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause lightning to arc from it dealing 75 - 135 damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by 100% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Crumbling Hekma
Kehjistan Sorcerer
Aspect of Tenuous Agility
Mobility Gain 5 - 20% [+] Movement Speed. This bonus is doubled if you haven't used a Defensive Skill in the last 8 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of Tenuous Destruction
Offensive Deal 25 - 45% [x] increased damage while you have no Defensive Skills on your Action Bar.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Bounding Conduit
Mobility Telport's Cooldown is reduced by 1 - 3 seconds. After Teleporting, Crackling Energy hits 2 additional enemies for 5 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Komdor Temple
Kehjistan Sorcerer
Aspect of the Crowded Sage
Defensive You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. Successful Dodges restore 5 - 25% of your Maximum Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Dark Dance
Resource Every 5 seconds, your next Core Skill costs 102 - 25 Life instead of Primary Resource. Will only occur if you have at least 60% of your Maximum Life.

Skills that consume Life deal 80% [+] increased damage.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Deflecting Barrier
Defensive You have a 5 - 12% chance after taking direct damage to gain a Barrier equal to 20% of your Maximum Life for 10 seconds. This chance is doubled against Distant enemies.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Lost Keep
Hawezar All
Aspect of the Expectant
Offensive After attacking enemies with a Basic Skill, increase the damage of your next Core Skill cast within 5 seconds by 5 - 12% [x], up to 30% [x].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Scosglen All
Aspect of the Firebird
Utility Gain the Flame Shield Enchantment for free. When Flame Shield activates, Meteorites fall around you dealing 75 - 135 Fire damage.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Frozen Tundra
Offensive While Deep Freeze is active, exploding Ice Spikes form in the area, dealing 150 - 195 Cold damage. Your Ice Spikes have a 50% increased explosion radius.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Frozen Wake
Offensive While Ice Armor is active, you leave behind exploding Ice Spikes that deal 120 - 165] damage. Your Ice Spikes deal 15% [x] increased damage to Frozen (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Moonrise
Offensive Damaging an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 40 - 100%[x] Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Orange Herald
Utility Lucky Hit: Up to a 5 - 13% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds. Can only happen once per Skill cast.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Protector
Defensive Damaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to 572 - 5,144 damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Lost Archives
Fractured Peaks All
Aspect of the Prudent Heart
Defensive After being damaged for at least 20% of your Maximum Life at once, you become Immune for 2.5 - 4 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Umbral
Resource Restore 1 - 8 of your Primary Resource when you Crowd Control an enemy.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Champion's Demise
Dry Steppes All
Aspect of the Unbroken Tether
Offensive Chain Lightning has a 25 - 45% chance to chain 5 additional times.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Aspect of the Unwavering
Defensive Taking direct damage has a 2 - 10% chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Putrid Aquifer
Kehjistan Sorcerer
Aspect of Three Curses
Offensive Increase the Critical Strike Damage of Meteor and Fireball by 25 - 45% [x]. Double this bonus against Healthy targets.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Serpent's Lair
Hawezar Sorcerer
Aspect of Voracious Rage
Resource Killing an enemy with a Core Skill refunds [15.0 - 30.0]% of its base cost. Can only happen once per Skill cast.

N/A Extraction All
Assimilation Aspect
Resource You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. When you Dodge, Fortify for 5 - 12% of your Maximum Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Battle Caster's Aspect
Offensive Lucky Hit: When your Conjuration Skills hit you have up to a 25 - 45% chance to gain +1 Rank to your Conjuration skills for 12 seconds. This can stack up to 5 times.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Blood Boiling Aspect
Offensive When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing 188 - 638 Physical damage around you.

Every 20 seconds, your next skill is guaranteed to Overpower.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Charged Aspect
Mobility Collecting Crackling Energy increases your Movement Speed by 15 - 30% [+] for 8 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Maddux Watch
Scosglen Sorcerer
Conceited Aspect
Offensive Deal 10 - 30% [x] increased damage while you have a Barrier active.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Craven Aspect
Mobility You gain 25 - 45% [x] increased Movement Speed when moving away from Slowed (CC) or Chilled (CC) enemies.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Edgemaster's Aspect
Offensive Skills deal up to 5 - 25% [x] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Scosglen All
Elementalist's Aspect
Offensive Core Skills cast at or above 100 Mana gain a 25 - 45% [+] increased Critical Strike Chance.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Pallid Delve
Dry Steppes Sorcerer
Eluding Aspect
Utility Becoming Injured while Crowd Controlled grants you Unstoppable for 4 seconds. This effect has a 40 - 20 second Cooldown.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Caldera Gate
Fractured Peaks All
Encased Aspect
Defensive While Deep Freeze is active, you restore 15 - 35% of your Maximum Life and Mana per second.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Everliving Aspect
Defensive You take 10 - 30% less damage from Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemies.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Exploiter's Aspect
Utility You have 20% [x] increased Crowd Control Duration. While enemies are Unstoppable, you deal 25 - 45% [x] increased damage to them.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Firestarter Aspect
Offensive When newly Burning (DoT) an enemy, you deal an additional 113 - 225 Fire damage to them.

This effect is treated as a Pyromancy Skill.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Flamethrower's Aspect
Offensive Incinerate splits into 3 beams, each dealing 70 - 90% [x] of normal damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Flamewalker's Aspect
Mobility Coming in contact with your Firewall grants you 10 - 30% [+] Movement Speed for 6 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Cultist Refuge
Fractured Peaks Sorcerer
Frostblitz Aspect
Defensive Frost Nova gains an additional Charge but the Cooldown per Charge is increased by 55 - 35%.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Ghostwalker Aspect
Mobility While Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain 10 - 30% [+] increased Movement Speed and are Unhindered.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Broken Bulwark
Scosglen All
Glacial Aspect
Offensive When you cast Blizzard it will periodically spawn exploding Ice Spikes that deal 75 - 120 damage. Your Ice Spikes Chill (CC) enemies for 15%.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Gravitational Aspect
Offensive Ball Lightning orbits around you and deals 10 - 30% [x] increased damage. You may have up to 10 Ball Lightnings and casting more increases the damage of the existing ones by 10% each.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Hectic Aspect
Utility After casting 5 Basic Skills, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by 1 - 2.5 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Incendiary Aspect
Resource Lucky Hit: Damage from your Pyromancy Skills has up to a 7 - 27% chance to restore 10 Mana.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Tomb of the Saints
Kehjistan Sorcerer
Jolting Aspect
Offensive Every 3 - 1 seconds, you zap a nearby enemy for 225 Lightning damage. This effect is treated as a Shock Skill.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Juggernaut's Aspect
Defensive You gain 191 - 546 Armor, but your Evade has 100% increased Cooldown.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Lightning Rod Aspect
Offensive Chain Lightning has a 25% chance to deal 50 - 90% [x] increased damage. This chance is doubled against Bosses or Crowd Controlled enemies and prefers them as targets.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Mage-Lord's Aspect
Defensive The Vyr's Mastery Key Passive also grants 6 - 10% Damage Reduction, tripled while fighting a Close enemy.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Needleflare Aspect
Offensive Thorns damage dealt has a 25 - 45% chance to deal damage to all enemies around you and your Minions.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Yshari Sanctum
Kehjistan All
Prodigy's Aspect
Resource Using a Cooldown restores 10 - 30 Mana.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Hawezar Sorcerer
Protecting Aspect
Defensive When hit while not Healthy, a magical bubble is summoned around you for 2.5 - 6 seconds. While standing in the bubble, Players are Immune. Can only occur once every 90 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Rapid Aspect
Offensive Basic Skills gain 15 - 35% [+] Attack Speed.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Buried Halls
Dry Steppes All
Recharging Aspect
Resource Each time Chain Lightning bounces, gain 1 - 5 Mana.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Fractured Peaks Sorcerer
Serpentine Aspect
Offensive You may have 1 additional Hydra active, and Hydra's duration is increased by 10 - 30%

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Shattered Aspect
Offensive Explosions from the Shatter Key Passive deal 30 - 50% [x] increased damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Smiting Aspect
Offensive You have 13 - 23% [+] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain 25 - 45% [+] increased Crowd Control Duration.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Snowguard's Aspect
Defensive While within your own Blizzard and for 3 seconds after leaving it, you take 15 - 35% less damage.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet (+50%)
Fetid Mausoleum
Hawezar Sorcerer
Snowveiled Aspect
Defensive Casting Ice Armor makes you Unstoppable and grants 25% Damage Reduction for 3.5 - 5.5 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Sarat's Lair
Scosglen Sorcerer
Stable Aspect
Offensive While Unstable Currents is not active, your Shock Skills have a 6.5 - 17% chance to trigger a free cast from it.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer
Starlight Aspect
Resource Gain 25 - 45 of your Primary Resource for every 20% of your Life that you Heal or every 120% Life that you Overheal while at Maximum Life.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Sticker-thought Aspect
Utility Gain 508 - 1270 Thorns while Channeling and for 3 seconds afterwards.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Storm Swell Aspect
Offensive You deal 15 - 35% [x] increased damage while Ice Armor is active. This amount is increased by another 15% against Frozen (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Onyx Hold
Dry Steppes Sorcerer
Undying Aspect
Defensive When you cast a skill, you heal for 0.5 - 2.5% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Wildbolt Aspect
Utility Every 3.5 - 2 seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled (CC) in to you and take 10% [x] increased damage for 3 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Wind Striker Aspect
Mobility Critical Strikes grant 8.5 - 19% [+] Movement Speed for 1 second, up to 6 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Shivta Ruins
Kehjistan All
Winter Touch Aspect
Offensive When you Freeze (CC) an enemy, you deal 225 - 450 Cold damage to them.

This effect is treated as a Frost Skill.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Sorcerer

Sorcerer Unique Items

There are also Unique items that are specifically tailored to the Sorcerer.

+ Expand drop-down for all Sorcerer Unique Items.

Ahavarion Spear of Lycander

"The angel Lycander left us a portion of her power in this spear. It is all the proof I need that she watches over us still." - Oracle Argoysni

Type: Mythic Unique Staff
Class: Druid, Sorcerer

Description: Gain a random Shrine effect for 20 seconds after killing an Elite enemy. Can only occur once every 30 seconds.

  • +159.5% Critical Strike, Vulnerable, and Overpower Damage

Affixes: (Item Power 925)
  • +18.0% All Stats
  • +33.0% Movement Speed
  • +66.0% Resistance to All Elements
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +66.0% Primary Resource

Axial Conduit

"Do not confuse your manipulation of lightning as control. The azure flame is its own master and needs no hand to wield it. You are merely a conduit for its chaos." -Ascribed to the mage Woh

Type: Unique Pants
Class: Sorcerer

Description: Chain Lightning alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to 3 enemies. When it returns, it drains 6 Mana from you for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 total Mana, the bolt explodes for [225 - 900] Lightning Damage. Chain Lightning expires if you don't have enough Mana for it to drain.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • [23.5 - 32.5]% Resource Generation and Maximum
    • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Chance for Chain Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice
    • [10.5 - 15.0]% Damage Reduction
    • +[2 - 3] to Chain Lightning

    Blue Rose

    "Her lover's spirit faded, and in her sorrow she wept frozen tears. Where they fell, roses of the purest ice would blossom each winter." - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 7: "The Myth of Irina Coldheart"

    Type: Unique Ring
    Class: Sorcerer

    Description: Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to form an exploding Ice Spike, dealing [75 - 150] Cold damage. Triple this chance if the enemy is Frozen (CC).

    • +10.0% Resistance to All Elements
    • +10.0% Cold Resistance

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[251.0 - 350.0]% Ice Spike Damage
    • +[129.5 - 170.0]% Cold Damage
    • +[9.0 - 11.0]% Critical Strike Chance
    • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Chance for Ice Spikes to Explode Twice

    Esadora's Overflowing Cameo

    The only thing more potent than Esadora's magic was her endless hatred of humanity. As she lay dying, the pale amulet around her neck drank in both.

    Type: Unique Amulet
    Class: Sorcerer

    Description: Upon collecting Crackling Energy, there's a 15% chance to release a lightning nova, dealing 180 - 360 Lightning damage, increased by x60% for every 100 Intelligence you have.

    • +25% Resistance to All Elements

    • +10.5 - 15% Intelligence
    • 1.4 - 2% Damage Reduction per Crackling Energy Charge
    • +16 - 25% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Picking Up Crackling Energy
    • +365 - 500% Crackling Energy Damage

    Esu's Heirloom

    "While scholars have proven these boots were not created by Esu herself, it is noteworthy that they have been passed down since the formation of the Mage Clans." - Barrett's Book of Implements

    Type: Unique Boots
    Class: Sorcerer

    Description: Your Critical Strike Chance is increased by 20 - 40% of your Movement Speed bonus.

    • Evade Grants +125% Movement Speed for 3.0 Seconds

    • +12.5 - 18% Movement Speed
    • +57 - 75% Critical Strike Damage
    • +8 - 12.5% Movement Speed for 7 Seconds After Killing an Elite
    • +8 - 10% Resistance to All Elements


    The burn may heal, but the pain is eternal.

    Type: Unique Wand
    Class: Sorcerer

    Description: While Channeling Incinerate, you periodically shoot embers that are attracted to enemies, each dealing [150 - 300] Fire damage.

    • +130 Life On Hit
    • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +6,000 Fire Damage

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)


    Driven to surpass Esu, the wizard Naridan's reckless enchantments caused an inferno, devastating the ancient town of Cagrim. Only the gauntlets remained - a solemn warning to all who dare tame fire.

    Type: Unique Gloves
    Class: Sorcerer

    Description: Casting Fire Bolt through your Firewall causes it to split into 3 bolts, each dealing [30 - 100]%[x] increased damage.

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[1 - 2] to Pyromancy Skills
      • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Chance for Fire Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
      • +[7.0 - 9.0]% Attack Speed
      • +[31.5 - 45.0]% Firewall Size

      Fractured Winterglass

      Winterglass refracts light and also manipulates mana - forming complex arrays of spells and enchantments. These distinct characteristics possess great power, yet the outcomes remain unpredictable.

      Type: Unique Amulet
      Class: Sorcerer

      Description: Casting Frozen (CC) Orb has a [35 - 65]% chance to spawn a random Conjuration when it explodes.Lucky Hit: Your Conjurations have up to a [50 - 90]% chance to launch a Frozen (CC) Orb at Nearby enemies.

      • +25.0% Resistance to All Elements

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Frozen (CC) Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
      • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Non-Physical Damage
      • Conjuration Cooldowns are Reduced by +[0.1 - 0.3] Seconds when a Frozen (CC) Orb Explodes
      • +[3 - 4] to Conjuration Mastery

      Gloves of the Illuminator

      After Inarius returned to Sanctuary, he sought a way back to the High Heavens. His first step was to reignite the religion he had abandoned millennia before: the Cathedral of Light.

      Type: Unique Gloves
      Class: Sorcerer

      Description: Fireball now bounces as it travels, exploding each time it hits the ground, but its explosion deals [30 - 0]% less damage.


        Iceheart Brais

        The mad artisan saw his fingers turn black from frostbite as he worked the cloth, but refused to stay the needle and thread for even a moment.

        Type: Unique Pants
        Class: Sorcerer

        Description: Enemies that die while Frozen (CC) have a 21 - 40% chance to unleash a Frost Nova.

          • +57.5 - 80% Cold Resistance
          • +733 - 790 Maximum Life
          • +57 - 75% Frost Nova Size
          • +4 - 6% to Shatter's Damage Echo

          Raiment of the Infinite

          The power you have is never enough.

          Type: Unique Chest Armor
          Class: Sorcerer

          Description: After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned (CC) for [2.0 - 3.0] seconds, but Teleport's Cooldown is increased by 20%[x].

            Affixes: (Item Power 925)

            Staff of Endless Rage

            "Leaving even blackened bones for your kin to mourn is too good an end for you." - Josiah

            Type: Unique Staff
            Class: Sorcerer

            Description: Every 3rd cast of Fireball launches 2 additional projectiles and deals [50 - 90]%[x] increased damage.

            • +170.0% Fire Damage

            Affixes: (Item Power 925)
            • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Chance for Fireball Projectiles to Cast Twice
            • +[37.0 - 55.0]% Fireball Projectile Speed
            • +[4 - 6] to Fireball
            • +[252 - 360] Intelligence

            Staff of Lam Esen

            "Also known as the Greatstaff of the Old Religion, this powerful relic is one of only a small handful of Skatsimi artifacts that have survived to this day." - Barrett's Book of Implements

            Type: Unique Staff
            Class: Sorcerer

            Description: Your casts of Charged Bolts have a 40 - 80% chance to be attracted to enemies and last 300% longer.

            • +170.0% Lightning Damage

            • +57 - 75% Chance for Charged Bolts Projectiles to Cast Twice
            • +176 - 204 Intelligence
            • +4 - 6 to Charged Bolts
            • 27 - 45% Resource Cost Reduction

            Starfall Coronet

            "The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!" - Crusader Hamilton

            Type: Unique Helm
            Class: Sorcerer

            Description: Meteor's Mana cost is replaced with a 10 - 3 second Cooldown and 3 total Charges. Casting Meteor drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Its Enchantment and Enhancement drop 1 additional Meteor instead.

              • +4 - 6 to Meteor
              • +18.5 - 27.5% Meteor Size
              • 8.1 - 8.8% Cooldown Reduction
              • +88 - 102 Intelligence

              Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop

              "Fool said he dug it out of the sands near Lut Gholein with a few other 'worthless trinkets'. I hid my delight at receiving such a treasure in exchange for a meager handful of coins." - Rakhaan

              Type: Unique Ring
              Class: Sorcerer

              Description: For each type of Elemental damage you deal, gain [10.0 - 20.0]%[x] increased damage for 4 seconds, up to [40.0 - 80.0]%[x] . Dealing Elemental damage refreshes all bonuses.

              • +10.0% Resistance to All Elements
              • +4.0% Resistance to All Elements

              Affixes: (Item Power 925)
              • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Non-Physical Damage
              • [6.0 - 8.0]% Cooldown Reduction
              • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Lucky Hit Chance
              • +[2 - 3] to Potent Warding

              The Oculus

              "The rhythm of the orb, which had pulsed steadily for five centuries, quickened as its owner took his final ragged breaths. It were as if some intelligence within reveled in the sight." - Master Eos

              Type: Unique Wand
              Class: Sorcerer

              Description: Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment you are taken to a random location.

              • +3 Maximum Evade Charges
              • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds


              Vox Omnium

              Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them.

              Type: Ancestral Unique Staff
              Class: Sorcerer

              Description: Casting a Sorcerer_Skill_Tree#Core|Core Skill additionally fires 2 instances of Fire Bolt, Frost Bolt, or Spark, matching the elements of your last 2 non-Core Skill casts. These projectiles deal [30 - 90]%[x] increased damage.

              • +35.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies

              Affixes: (Item Power 925)
              • +[38.0 - 52.0]% Non-Physical Damage
              • +[2 - 4] to Basic Skills
              • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Core Attack Speed
              • +[6.2 - 14.6]% Intelligence

              Sorcerer Paragon Board Glyphs

              These Glyphs are only usable by the Sorcerer class in the Paragon Boards.

              + Expand drop-down for all Sorcerer Paragon Glyphs.


              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Intelligence within range, Mastery Skills gain + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Intelligence within range, Crackling Energy deals + 2% (lvl 1) - 13% (lvl 21_ increased damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              • Picking up Crackling Energy grants you x 5% increased damage for 5 seconds, up to x 15%.

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Intelligence within range, Conjuration Skills gain + 3% (lvl 1) - 15% (lvl 21) increased damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Necromancer / Sorcerer / Rogue


              • For every 5 Intelligence (Necro) purchased within range, you deal + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.
              • For every 5 Intelligence (Rogue) / 5 Dexterity (Sorc) purchased within range, you deal 3% (lvl 1) - 15% (lvl 21) increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.

              Additional Bonus:

              Requirements: 40 Int (Necro), 25 Int (Rogue), 25 Dex (Sorc) (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal + 4% (lvl 1) - 20% (lvl 21) increased Critical Strike Damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              • Critical Strikes increase all damage the enemy takes from you by x 2% for 10 seconds, up to x 12%.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Paragon nodes within range gain + 15% (lvl 1) - 75% (lvl 21) bonus to their Lightning damage and damage reduction modifiers.

              Additional Bonus:

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Paragon nodes within range gain + 15% (lvl 1) - 75% (lvl 21) bonus to their Non-physical damage and damage reduction modifiers.

              Additional Bonus:

              • Dealing Fire, Cold, or Lightning damage to an enemy increases all damage you deal to them by x 5% for 10 seconds, stacking once per element.

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal +2% (lvl 1) -10% (lvl 21) increased Non-physical damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              • For each skill equipped in your Enchantment Slots, gain + 5% Maximum Resistance to that Skill's element.

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage to Burning (DoT) targets.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You deal x 10% increased direct damage to Burning (DoT) enemies.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Willpower purchased within range, you deal + 3% (lvl 1) - 15% (lvl 21) increased damage to Chilled (CC) targets.

              Additional Bonus:

              • Enemies deal 15% reduced damage to you for 5 seconds after they are no longer Frozen.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower (in radius range)



              Rare: Barbarian / Necromancer / Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Willpower purchased within range, you deal + 2.65% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage while Healthy.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You gain + 30% increased Potion Healing.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower



              Rare: Sorcerer


              Additional Bonus:

              • Enemies damaged by your Conjuration Skills deal 1% reduced damage to you for 6 seconds, stacking up to 15%.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Paragon nodes within range gain + 15% (lvl 1) - 75% (lvl 21) bonus to their Fire damage and damage reduction modifiers.

              Additional Bonus:

              • Every Pyromancy Skill you cast or every second you channel Incinerate increases your Fire damage by x 3% for 6 seconds, up to x18%.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Grants + 25% (lvl 1) - 125% (lvl 21) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You gain 15% Damage Reduction while you have an active Barrier.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, your Ice Spikes deal + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage.

              Additional Bonus:

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Grants + 25% (lvl 1) - 125% (lvl 21) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You deal x 10% increased damage for 4 seconds after casting a Defensive Skill. This duration increases by 4 seconds for each Defensive Skill not on your Action Bar.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)

              Tears of Blood.webp
              Season icon.png Season 2

              Tears of Blood



              • For every 5 Core Stats purchased within range, you gain +2.0%[x] increased damage.
              • Grants +50.0% bonus to all Rare nodes withing range. Bonus increase by 10% every 10 levels.



              Rare: Barbarian / Druid / Necromancer / Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased damage to Close targets.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You gain 15% Damage Reduction against Close enemies.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • For every 5 Willpower purchased within range, you deal + 2% (lvl 1) - 10% (lvl 21) increased Burning damage (DoT).

              Additional Bonus:

              • You deal x 2.5% increased damage per Nearby Burning enemy, up to x 25%.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Grants + 30% (lvl 1) - 150% (lvl 21) bonus to all Magic nodes within range.

              Additional Bonus:

              • After spending 50 Mana, you deal x7% increased damage and gain x6.7% increased Mana Regeneration for 3 seconds.

              Requirements: 40 Intelligence (in radius range)



              Rare: Sorcerer


              • Grants + 25% (lvl 1) - 125% (lvl 21) bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

              Additional Bonus:

              • You take reduced damage the less Mana you have, up to 25%.

              Requirements: 25 Willpower (in radius range)




              • Rare Paragon nodes within range gain +125% bonus to their effects.

              Legendary Bonus:

              Rare: Sorcerer

              Additional Bonus:

              • Whenever you Chill (CC) an enemy, you deal 3% increased Cold damage for 10 seconds, up to 15%.

              Requirements: 25 Dexterity (in radius range)

              Sorcerer / Sorceress History

              The female mage clan of Zann Esu is one of the oldest of the ancient clans, although little is actually known about them. Centuries ago, the fourteen powerful covens of Esu witches convened for the first time in generations. What they discussed is not known, but the witches left behind their former lives and, as a group, disappeared into the Eastern Jungles.

              The exact location of their community is a mystery. Until recently, their only contact with the outside world occurred during the recruitment missions. Once every seven years, the Zann Esu visited certain families across Sanctuary. These families had one thing in common — they each had a seven-year-old daughter. Always good-natured and polite, the Zann Esu visitors would meet the girls, ask a few questions, and then leave. A select few of the girls were visited a second time and offered apprenticeships. The families of those chosen enjoyed good fortune for many years after.

              The Zann Esu, or Sorceresses as they are generally known, are on a quest for purity, the pursuit of the perfect magic. They feel the other disciplines of magic are haphazard and have instead chosen to focus strictly upon elemental magic. They mold the base elements into whatever magical forms they need — threatening all other magic disciplines with obsolescence. In order to achieve perfection in these elemental transmutations, they choose only those daughters of Sanctuary with the highest level of attunement to the magical elements.

              The Sorceresses believe that it is through the search for perfection that they will attain ultimate purity and ascend to their destined role as the most powerful mages in Sanctuary. For centuries they have studied in secret, perfecting their art and bidding their time until the Emergence of Evil. Then, they will face their greatest challenge, either proving the purity of their magic or fading from existence.

              The Zann Esu oracles have decreed that the time of the Emergence is at hand. The destruction of the Prime Evils is to be the great test of their clan. Recently, Sorceresses have appeared mysteriously throughout Sanctuary to do battle with the minions of evil wherever they are found. – Compiled by Flux

              Changes Archive

              Archive updated 29 September 2020

              Sorcerer Skill-driven Deaths

              This system allows you to decapitate, bisect, freeze, shatter, eviscerate, and burn your enemies depending on skills used. The Sorceress' are as follows:

              • Freeze/Shatter - Break frozen monsters into pieces
              • Char - Singe the corpse of a monster with lightning
              • Burn – Scorch the monster’s flesh, leaving the remains of a charred skeleton
              Sorceress Enchanment System
              Sorceress Enchantment System

              Skill Trees

              Prior to the September 29 2020 developer update, the Diablo 4 Sorceress skills and passive trees were presented to the player in a typical Diablo style. When looking at the tree further, Blizzard decided to change the tree to include both skills and passives in a single tree (see above). Blizzard did not discuss the skills themselves or skills that would be removed or added at that time. Below is the original tree designs prior to that developer update.

              Skill Tree 2020
              Skill Tree - Sept 2020

              Diablo 4 Sorcerer Skill Tree

              On 29 December 2020, Blizzard revealed a major change to the way in which skills and passives would be presented to the player. Blizzard showed a revamped Sorceress skill and passives tree which can be seen below.

              • The square skills are where players add skill points.
              • The round nodes can be activated to augment the skills players have unlocked
              • Along the branches are also passive nodes which can be activated.
              • At the bottom of the tree in the root system, there are nodes that can be activated to provide “powerful effects”.
              • Blizzard has stated that players will not be able to acquire every Skill Tree node. By end-game, only 30-40% will be filled.
              Old Talent System
              Old Talent System

              Old Enchantment System

              Below are shots of the old Enchantment system interface revealed on 29 September 2020.

              Previously, if you placed a skill in the Enchantment slot, you could o longer use it as an active skill, but your character instead gaines a secondary bonus power.

              This was changed slightly where the skill could be used and the an extra power was attached to each skill.

              Sorceress Enchanment System
              Sorceress Enchantment System
              Note the empty round slot above the main skill slots.

              Changes to Sorcerer

              Patch 1.5.0, August 6, 2024

              • Can now equip one-handed swords and maces.

              Barbarian Druid Necromancer Rogue Sorcerer Spiritborn