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Paragon Board

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Paragon Boards enable you to further customise your character's build beyond character level 60 when you no longer receive skill points but instead receive Paragon Points.

What are Paragon Boards

Each board is comprised of a tileset of nodes with each node offering a boost to either stats, skill categories, status effects, or resources. As you earn experience beyond level 60 you receive points that you use to unlock these nodes, snaking your way across the board (including the starter board) to an 'end gate' where you can attach another board. Each class has access to nine boards of which they can lock a maximum of five together.

All Types of Paragon Nodes
All Paragon Nodes

Each board is made up of:

  • Normal Nodes - Boost basic stats Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength or Willpower
  • Magic Nodes - Boost Armor, Maximum Life, Resistances, Resources, Damage types and Damage received. Clustered around a Rare Node.
  • Rare Nodes - Six of these peppered around the board offer multiple boosts plus a bonus that sets the theme for the surrounding Magic nodes.
  • Legendary Node - A single Legendary Node with a significant boost particularly useful to your class and to a specific playstyle.
  • Glyph Node - A single Glyph node where you socket a Glyph of your choice that you have leveled up in The Pit. These are particularly powerful as they have qualities that are improved by the other nodes within a set radius. Glyphs can be upgraded to Legendary status adding a bonus affect and increasing their radius.
  • Gate Node - There is 1 of these at each edge of the board (apart from the smaller starter board) and a point spent here will award 5 points to basic stats and also allow you to attach another Paragon board.

When you reach a Gate Node clicking on it brings up details of all the Boards you can attach there including its Legendary Node and Rare Nodes. The boards can be rotated before attaching so you have more choice of the route you'll take through that board.

Paragon Board Labeled
Annotated Paragon Board

How to get a Paragon Board

On reaching Level 50 you will automatically gain access to your Starter Board. You can find the tab to it next to your Skills tab in your inventory. You do not need to find or learn the other 8 Paragon Boards available to you. They are all there ready to attach to your Starter Board, once you have reached the first gate node to attach it to.

How to Get Paragon Points

The maximum number of Paragon points that can be collected through earning experience, renown, and Altars of Lilith is 300.

Paragon points are shared across each realm. Realms are split into:

  • Seasonal Softcore
  • Seasonal Hardcore
  • Eternal Softcore
  • Eternal Hardcore

Points are earned by any of your characters on each realm, and once a character reaches level 60 (the maximum level), those points can be spent on your Paragon Boards of all your characters on that realm. This means you don't need to earn Paragon Points separately for each character. This is especially helpful when creating another character (alt) on the same realm — once they reach level 60, they will already have Paragon Points to spend, thanks to the points earned by your other characters.

Which Paragon Boards are Available

This is a list of all 9 Paragon Boards available to each class and their single Legendary Node.

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Blood Rage Killing a Bleeding (DoT) enemy has 10% chance to grant Berserking for 5 seconds. Your damage is increased by x10% of your Damage while Berserking bonus, up to a maximum x30%.
Bone Breaker Every 12 seconds, your next Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.
Carnage While Berserking, Critical Strikes increase your Attack Speed by +2%, up to +16% for 6 seconds.
Decimator Each time you make an enemy Vulnerable, your damage is increased by 10% for 5 seconds. Overpowering a Vulnerable enemy grants an additional x10% bonus for 5 seconds.
Flawless Technique Damaging enemies with One-Handed Weapons increases your Critical Strike chance by x1% for 4 seconds, up to x8%. This can only happen once per Skill cast, or twice per second while channeling Whirlwind.
Force of Nature Your Earthquakes have a 75% chance to spawn a Dust Devil every second that deals [1,429] damage. Earthquake damage is increased by 30% of your Damage vs Close bonus, up to a maximum of 150%.
Hemorrhage Your Bleeding (DoT) damage is increased by x15% of your Vulnerable Damage Bonus, up to x45%.
Warbringer For every 75 Fury you spend, gain 15% of your Maximum Life as Fortify.
Weapon Master Swapping weapons grants you 8% of your Maximum Fury.

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Ancestral Guidance After spending 75 Spirit, you deal x30% increased damage for 5 seconds.
Constricting Tendrils Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 15% chance to entangle the enemy with vines, Immobilizing (CC)them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for 150% of the Base damage dealt over 4 seconds.
Earthen Devastation Your Earth Skills deal x10% increased Critical Strike Damage, increased by x20% of your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus, up to x40%.
Heightened Malice While there are 3 or more Poisoned enemies Nearby, you deal x45% increased damage.
Inner Beast After Shapeshifting, your Spirit costs are reduced by 5% for 10 seconds, up to 45%. If you reach 10 stacks, this bonus resets and reduces the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 5 seconds.
Lust for Carnage Critical Strikes with Werewolf Skills restore 2 Spirit.
Survival Instincts While in Werebear form, you deal x1% increased damage, up to x50%, for every 1% difference in current Life percent between you and the enemy.
Thunderstruck Storm Skills deal increased damage equal to x20% of your Damage vs Close and Damage vs Distant bonuses, up to x60%.
Untamed Casting a Companion Skill grants +4 Ranks to your Companion Skills for 5 seconds..

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Blood Begets Blood Blood Orbs grant x10% increased damage, up to x50%, for 5 seconds.
Bloodbath Deal x70% increased Overpower damage.
Bone Graft Hitting enemies with Bone Skills increases your damage by x1% and your Maximum Essence by 2 for 8 seconds, stacks up to x8% increased damage and 16 Maximum Essence.
Cult Leader Your Minions deal x30% increased damage for each x20% of Attack Speed Bonus they have, up to a maximum of 100% Attack Speed Bonus.
Flesh-eater Consuming 5 Corpses grants x40% increased damage for 6 seconds..
Hulking Monstrosity Your Golem has x40% increased Maximum Life and deals x100% increased damage.
Scent of Death With at least 2 Corpses Nearby, you gain 15% Damage Reduction. With no Corpses Nearby, you deal x15% increased damage.
Wither Your Shadow damage over time effects have a x5% chance to deal x50% bonus damage each time they deal damage. This chance is increased by x1% and bonus damage is increased by x4% for each 60 Intelligence you have, up to 1200 Intelligence.
Frailty Cursed enemies take 10%[x] increased damage from you and your Minions. This bonus is increased by 10%[x] each second they are Cursed, up to 40%[x].

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Cheap Shot You deal x5% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to x25%. A Nearby Staggered Boss provides the maximum bonus.
Cunning Strategem Your non-damage Combo Point bonuses are increased by x33.33% when you spend 3 Combo Points.
Deadly Ambush You deal x22.5% increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by your Trap Skills.
Eldritch Bounty When you attack with an Imbued Skill, you gain +3% Maximum Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement's element for 9 seconds.
Exploit Weakness Lucky Hit: Hitting a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 60% chance to increase your damage by x1% for 25 seconds, up to x25%. At 25 stacks the bonus remains for 6 seconds then expires.
Leyrana's Instinct When Inner Sight’s gauge becomes full, you gain +100% Dodge Chance for 2 seconds. Your Core Skills deal increased damage equal to x25% of your Core Skill Damage Bonus while Inner Sight’s gauge remains full, up to x35%.
No Witnesses Your Ultimate Skills gain an additional x10% damage from your Damage with Ultimate bonus, up to x45%, and grant this bonus to all Skills for 10 seconds when cast.
Tricks of the Trade Your Marksman Skills grant your Cutthroat Skills x25% increased damage for 8 seconds. Your Cutthroat Skills grant your Marksman Skills x25% increased damage for 8 seconds.
Dance Macabre Casting a Mobility or Subterfuge Skill increases the damage of your next Skill by 50%[x].

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Burning Instinct Your Burning damage (DoT) is increased by x10% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus, plus x1% for every 20 Intelligence you have, up to x80%.
Ceaseless Conduit Crackling Energy has a 25% chance to not consume a Charge when triggered. Crackling Energy's damage is increased by x2% per 25 total Intelligence you have, up to x120%.
Elemental Summner Your Conjuration Skills have x10% reduced Cooldown or Mana cost. They also deal bonus damage equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold, up to x60%.
Enchantment Master Your Enchantments are 20% stronger.
Fritid Fate You deal bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies equal to x20% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, up to a maximum of x60%.
Icefall Your Frost skills deal x18% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. This bonus is doubled if the enemy is also Frozen (CC).
Searing Heat Pyromancy skills have a +12% increased Critical Strike Chance and deal increased Direct damage equal to 20% of your Damage with Fire bonus, up to x60%.
Static Surge After spending 100 Mana, your next cast of Chain Lightning or Charged Bolts makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds and restores 10% of your Mana. This Mana cost requirement is reduced by Mana Cost Reduction bonuses.
Fundamental Release Each time you apply Vulnerable, Burning (DoT), or Critically Strike an enemy, they take x10% increased damage from you, up to x30%.

Board Name Legendary Node Details
Bitter Medicine When you Heal for 100% of your Maximum Life, deal 30% damage to Close enemies. This damage is increased by your Healing Received bonus.
Convergence You deal bonus damage equal to 20%[x] of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to 30% total.
Drive After moving 10 meters, you deal 3.0%[x] increased damage for 10 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times.
In-Fighter When you Dodge or Block an attack you gain 2.0%[+] increased Attack Speed and 1.0%[x] increased Damage for 5 seconds, stacking up to 9 times.
Revealing Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to Knock Down (DoT) Vulnerable enemies. You deal 30%[x] increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.
Sapping When you cast 3 Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede skills with the same spirit in a row, restore 15% of your Vigor and deal 30%[x] increased damage for 5 seconds.
Spiney Skin When you use a Cooldown you gain 20% Thorns for 5 seconds.
Viscous Shield You do 1%[x] increased damage for each 3% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.

Changes to Paragon Board

Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

  • Single Resistance Paragon nodes have been adjusted to +10% on Rare nodes and +5% on Magic nodes.
  • All Resistance Paragon nodes have been adjusted to +3% on Rare nodes and +1.5% on Magic nodes.

Patch 1.0.2d, June 4, 2023

  • Rare Nodes
    • Player Attack Speed nodes reduced by 50%.
  • Glyphs
    • All Glyph Bonus scaling has been reduced by ~34%, except for the following:
    • Critical Strike Damage Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
    • Vulnerable Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%.
    • Glyphs’ Bonus to Rare nodes reduced by ~50%.
    • Glyphs’ Bonus to Magic nodes reduced by ~40%.
    • Glyphs’ Bonus to Cold/Fire/Lightning/Non-Physical/Physical nodes reduced by ~62.5%.

Archive Paragon Board

Below is the historical information on how the Paragon Board system used to function before Patch 2.0.

+ Expand to see the Archive of Paragon Boards.
Diablo 4 Paragon Board - August 2002
Current Paragon Board - August 2022
The Paragon Board is a new system being added to Diablo 4 to expand character customisation beyond a character's skills.

Players will unlock the Paragon Boards at level 50. Players will work their way from the centre of their class starting board outwards depending on what direction they want to take the character.

At the edge of each board is a "gate" tile where players will choose which new paragon board they wish to attach to the board they have just crossed.

Board Selection

Players will be able to select a new board from a selection when they reach a gate tile at the edge of the current board. The new board can also be rotated so players can plan their best route across the newly selected board.

Gate Tiles

Gate tiles are found on the edge of the Paragon Board. Once reached, a new board is unlocked and players can select a new board from a list. Players may also optionally rotate the newly placed board.

When the gate tile is selected, players will also receive +5 stat bonus to Strength, Willpower, Intelligence, or Dexterity.

How Many Paragon Points Per Level?

There are four level markers on the level-up bar each representing one Paragon point.

How Many Paragon Points in Total?

There are 256 Paragon points to gain in total before players are maxed out. Unlike Diablo 3. in Diablo 4, Paragon points are finite.

Paragon Board Nodes

The Paragon Board is also split into different tile types (nodes) as follows:

Normal Nodes

These provide a player with a "small and meaningful boost". These are common on each board with each normal tile providing a +5 stat bonus to Strength, Willpower, Intelligence, or Dexterity.

Magic Nodes

Magic tiles are found in clusters and provide a "potent, more diverse set of benefits". These are less common than Normal Tiles.
Paragon Board Legendary Tile
Paragon Board different tile types

Rare Nodes

Rare Tiles provide significant boosts to power. Rare tiles also have additional powers that unlock once a player has raised an attribute to a sufficient level. There are six Rare tiles per board.

Legendary Nodes

A single Legendary tile found at the centre of a Paragon board. These provide a new Legendary power.

Two joined Paragon Boards with Legendary tile in the middle.
Two joined Paragon Boards with Legendary tile in the middle.

Paragon Board Nodes

Glyphs and Sockets

Paragon Board Glyphs and Sockets

A Socket is a special tile that can contain a Glyph. Glyphs are items found throughout Sanctuary that, when embedded into a Paragon Board, bring various benefits based upon the number of active tiles within their radius.

Glyphs can also be leveled up. Leveling up a Glyph extends the radius of their effect, allowing each one to draw power from or impart power to even more active tiles.

Levelling Glyphs is achieved after completing Nightmare Dungeons.

Upgrade a Glyph
Upgrade a Glyph

Players can see the collected Glyphs on the left side of the Paragon Board interface to select them and can be unsocketed from the board at any point at no cost.
Glyph Selection
Glyph Selection

How to Clear Paragon Board Nodes Quickly

In patch 1.2.1, Blizzard added a reset all button which allows players to remove all their nodes at once. When clicked, a box pops up showing how much it will cost to complete the action of clearing all boards.

Adding New Boards

According to Blizzard, new boards will be added to the game over time.

Diablo is a game that is about creating exciting, overpowered builds, and while we don’t want to balance the fun out of the experience, we don’t want to create situations in which imprecise tuning squash creativity.

We will also be constantly adding new legendary and unique items, paragon boards, glyphs, and more that will continually refresh the meta and create new build opportunities.

Video Explainer


Below are images of earlier iterations of the Paragon Board.

Paragon Board selection
Paragon Board selection - Gate tile shown at edge of the board. Image from Dec 2021 but shows the basic concept.
Paragon Board
Paragon Board Early 2022