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The Barbarian has been the principal player in the Diablo series and has always played as a fast and furious fighter with powerful, brutal skills at his disposal and that hasn't changed in Diablo 4.

But this time he has the Arsenal system which offers him even more flexibility with the ability to swap between four weapons on the fly as he changes skills. He can also improve his ability in the weapon types he uses through the Expertise system. Essentially, the more he uses a weapon type the more proficient he becomes, with it gaining further bonuses.

The Barbarian has no elemental-based attacks but prefers to focus almost entirely on being a juggernaut of power. However, it's not all "me, me, me.", he has a few skills that will benefit his party members such as War Cry (increases dmg), Rallying Cry (increases movement and resource regen) and Raid Leader (a passive heal).

Barbarian Fundamentals

  • Resource: Fury - Has to be generated
  • Weapon Slots: Four. 2-Hand Bludgeoning Weapon. 2-Hand Slashing Weapon. Main Hand. Off-Hand
  • Dismount Skill: Bounding Slam
  • Barbarian Skill Trees:
    • Basic – Generate Fury and deal Physical Damage
    • Fury – Deal Physical Damage at a cost to Fury
    • Defensive – Deal Physical Damage with Cooldowns
    • Brawling – Deal Physical Damage with Cooldowns with some generation of Fury
    • Weapon Mastery – Deal Physical Damage with Cooldowns
    • Ultimate – Deal Physical Damage with Cooldowns with some generation of Fury
  • Barbarian Specialization:
    • Arsenal System - Unlocks at Level 5
      • Weapon Expertise
      • Technique

Starting and Levelling Up

Strength Intelligence Dexterity Willpower
Start With 10 7 8 7
1 Point in adds + 1 Armor
x 0.1% Skill Damage
+ 0.05% All Resistances + 0.025% Dodge Chance
x 0.02% Critical Strike Chance
+ 0.1% Healing received
+ 0.25% Overpower damage
x 0.1% Fury Generation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Tank with vast damage. Longer cooldowns compared to other classes.
Berserking - Buff of 25% increased damage and 30% movement speed. Reliant on Fury generation.
Quick movement skills. Slow starter to power up.
Damage while moving. Melee focused.
Dual wielding of weapons, both single-handed and double-handed weapons.

Diablo 4 Barbarian Specialization - Class Mechanic

Arsenal System

The Arsenal System unlocks automatically at level 5. It enables him to equip four weapons at one time switching between them automatically depending on which skill he is using. He can equip a:

  • two-handed bludgeoning weapon
  • two-handed slashing weapon
  • two single-handed weapons to dual wield.
Barbarian has a 4-weapon loadout
Barbarian has a 4-weapon loadout

When using skills the game will automatically swap to the best weapon for that skill. However, you can customise that by forcing the game to use another weapon. To do this:

  1. Press S to bring up available skills.
  2. Mouse over the skills you've learned. Ones with green ticks are those you have in your skill bar (i.e active).
  3. A pop up will display the skill details and option to make weapon selection. In other words which weapon should the skill use.
  4. Either leave as 'Auto select' or cycle through available weapons and force the game to use that instead.

Barbarian Expertise
Barbarian Expertise

Weapon Expertise

As the name suggests Expertise determines the Barbarian's proficiency in using different weapon types (1-handed axes, polearms etc).

Proficiency levels begin at 1 for every weapon type but the more you use the weapon type the more their level increases, up to level 10. Each level improves the bonuses applied when using the weapon type, level 10 providing the most powerful bonuses.

Expertise level does not increase when fighting in PvP.

+ Expand drop-down for all Weapon Expertise Statistics.
Expertise Rank 10 Powers Rank 10 Additional Bonus
Dual Wielding Arsenal
1-Handed Axes (5.0%) Increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. Double this amount when using two Axes. Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a (55%) chance to grant (+0.6%) increased Attack Speed for (2) seconds. Double the Attack Speed bonus when using 2 Axes.
1-Handed Maces (x10%) increased damage to Stunned enemies. Double this amount when using 2 Maces. Lucky Hit: Up to a (10%) chance to gain Berserking for (1.50) seconds when you hit a Stunned enemy. Double this chance when using 2 Maces.
1-Handed Swords Lucky Hit: Up to a (10%) chance to gain (5) Fury when hitting a Crowd Controlled enemy. Double this chance when using two Swords. Killing a Crowd Controlled enemy grants (+15%) increased Attack Speed for (3) seconds. Double this amount for kills with 2 Swords.
Slicing Arsenal
Polearms (x10%) increased Lucky Hit Chance. You deal (+10%) increase damage whilst Healthy.
2-Handed Axes (x15%) increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. (+10%) increased Critical Strike Chance against Vulnerable enemies.
2-Handed Swords (+20%) of Direct Damage you deal is inflicted as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. You deal (x30%) increased Bleeding damage for (5) seconds after killing an enemy.
Bludgeoning Arsenal
2-Handed Maces Lucky Hit: Up to a (10%) chance to gain (2) Fury when hitting an enemy. Double the amount of Fury gained whilst Berserking. You deal (x15%) increased Critical Strike Damage to Stunned and Vulnerable enemies whilst Berserking.

Barbarian Technique
Barbarian Technique

Weapon Technique Slot

This option is unlockable at Level 15 when the Barbarian gets the Quest, Masters of Battle and has to speak with Forgemaster Gerti in Ked Bardu in the Dry Steppes.

The Technique slot gives you the Expertise bonus of a certain weapon type regardless of which weapon type you use if you set it as your Technique. So if you have level 10 Expertise in 2-Handed Maces but you want that level 10 Expertise to apply to Polearms instead, you should select it as your Technique so now those level 10 bonuses you earned by using 2-Handed Maces will instead apply to Polearms.

Items and Weapons

The Barbarian can equip the following weapons:

  • 1-Handed Axe
  • 1-Handed Mace
  • 1-Handed Sword
  • 2-Handed Axe
  • 2-Handed Mace
  • 2-Handed Sword
  • Polearm
  • Staff

He can not equip a shield.

Item Affixes

Each item type can come with certain item affixes. These are all detailed below including affixes that improve the Barbarian's skills and appear on weapons that he is able to use.

Click the column headings to sort by item type. Refresh the page to reset.

+ Expand drop-down for all Barbarian Item Affixes by Slot.

* An implicit stat, meaning that the item will always come with this attribute (affix) listed at the top of the item details up to a maximum of the figure shown.

Barbarian item properties by slot - Click the column headings to sort by slot.
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapons Off-Hand
All Stats
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Cold Resist
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Fire Resist
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lightning Resist
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Poison Resist
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Shadow Resist
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 18.5% Resistance to All Elements
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Fire Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Lightning Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Cold/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Lightning Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Fire/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Lightning/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Lightning/Shadow Resistance
Small Tick Check
* 25% Shadow/Poison Resistance
Small Tick Check
Life on Kill
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Life Regen while not damaged recently
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Healing Received
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to Heal
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Maximum Life
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Potion Capacity
Small Tick Check
Potion Drop Rate
Small Tick Check
Maximum Fury
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Fury Cost Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Resource Generation
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore [X]% Primary Resource
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Restores 20% Resource
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Total Armor
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 20% Maximum Life as Barrier
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction while Fortified
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Fortify Generation
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction while Injured
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Reduction from Enemies that are Bleeding
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Bleeding Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Dodge Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Dodge Chance Against Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
* +2 Max Evade Charges
Small Tick Check
* Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 0.8 Second
Small Tick Check
Movement Speed
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Movement Speed for 4 seconds After Killing an Elite
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 30% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds
Small Tick Check
* Evade Grants +50% Movement Speed for 1 Second
Small Tick Check
Control Impaired Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Slow Duraction Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Shrine Buff Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage Over Time
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Physical Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Physical Damage Over Time
Small Tick Check
* 28% Damage to Healthy Enemies (1h axe)
Small Tick Check
* 56% Damage to Healthy Enemies (2h axe)
Small Tick Check
Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage with skills that swap to new weapons
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 17.5% Critical Strike Damage (1h sword)
Small Tick Check
* 35% Critical Strike Damage (2h sword)
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damaging while Berserking
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Berserking Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attack Speed
Small Tick Check
Basic Skills Attack Speed
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit Chance
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to [X] Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
Small Tick Check
Damage to Injured Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 56% Damage to Injured Enemies (polearm)
Small Tick Check
Damage to Close Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Distant Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Slowed Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to Slow
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Stunned Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage for 4 seconds After Killing an Elite
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Overpower Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 31.5% Overpower Damage (1h mace)
Small Tick Check
* 63% Overpower Damage (2h mace)
Small Tick Check
Overpower damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Vulnerable Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 35% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies (staff)
Small Tick Check
Crowd Control Duration
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapon Off-Hand
Basic Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Core Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Hammer of the Ancients
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Rend
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Upheavel
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Double Swing
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Whirlwind
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Defensive Skills
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Challenging Shout
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Ground Stomp
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Iron Skin
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Rallying Cry
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Outburst Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Tough as Nails Passive
Small Tick Check
Brawling Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks in War Cry
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Weapon Mastery Skills
Small Tick Check
Weapon Mastery Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Death Blow
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Rupture
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Steel Grasp
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Cut to the Bone Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in No Mercy Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Slaying Strike Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Counteroffensive Passive
Small Tick Check
Ultimate Skills Damage
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Wallop Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Heavy Handed Passive
Small Tick Check
Ranks in Brute Force Passive
Small Tick Check
Cooldown Reduction
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
Small Tick Check
* 7% Cooldown Reduction
Small Tick Check
Sockets 1 1 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1
Attribute Amulet Ring Helm Chest Legs Gloves Boots Weapons Off-Hand

Barbarian Legendary Aspects

The Barbarian has a whole heap of Legendary Aspects that are tailored to his particular set of skills. As well as those Legendaries he can also make use of the more general Legendary Aspects useful to all classes. Use the drop-down below to see the full details of the Barbarian Aspects.

+ Expand drop-down for all Barbarian Aspect Statistics.
Name Category Description Dungeon Zone Class
Accelerating Aspect
Offensive Critical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed by 10 - 30% [+] for 5 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Accursed Touch
Offensive Lucky Hit: Up to a 20 - 40% chance for your skills to inflict Vampiric Curse on enemies. Enemies afflicted with Vampiric Curse are also Vulnerable. Vampiric Curse's stored souls deal 20 - 60% increased damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Adaptability
Utility When cast below 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills generate 3 of your Primary Resource, once per cast.

When cast at or above 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills deal 20 - 100% [x] increased damage.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Ancestral Charge
Offensive Charge calls forth 4 Ancients who also Charge, dealing 20 - 40% [x] of normal damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Ancestral Echoes
Offensive Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Leap, Upheaval, or Whirlwind have up to a 45 - 65% chance to summon an Ancient to perform the same Skill. Can only occur once every 5 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Ancient Reservoir
Hawezar Barbarian
Aspect of Ancestral Force
Offensive Hammer of the Ancients quakes outward for 5 - 25% [x] increased damage. This bonus is doubled against Bosses.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Sunken Ruins
Scosglen Barbarian
Aspect of Anemia
Utility Lucky Hit: Damaging Bleeding (DoT) or Vulnerable enemies has up to a 15 - 35% chance to Stun (CC) them for 2 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Kor Dragan Barracks
Fractured Peaks Barbarian
Aspect of Anger Management
Offensive While above 55 - 40 Fury, you are Berserk, but lose 2 Fury per second.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Assistance
Utility Your Reinforcement Cooldown is reduced by 23 - 33% [x]. After casting your Ultimate Skill, your Reinforcement Mercenary is called. This cannot occur more than once each 30 seconds.

Helm, Pants, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Audacity
Resource When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun (CC) them for 2.5 - 4.5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Berserk Fury
Resource You gain 1 - 8 Fury per second while Berserking..

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Berserk Ripping
Offensive Whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict 15 - 35% of the Base damage dealt as additional Bleeding (DoT) damage over 5 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Dry Steppes Barbarian
Aspect of Bul-Kathos
Defensive Leap creates an Earthquake that deals 206 - 326 Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you gain 10 - 30% increased Damage Reduction.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Light's Refuge
Hawezar Barbarian
Aspect of Burning Rage
Offensive While Berserking, you deal 68 - 124 Fire damage every second to surrounding enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Concussive Strikes
Utility Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze (CC) them for 2 seconds.

You deal 5 - 25% [x] increased damage to Dazed enemies.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Creeping Death
Offensive You deal 5 - 20% [x] increased Damage over Time to enemies for each different Crowd Control effect they're afflicted by. Unstoppable enemies and Staggered Bosses take 10 - 40% [x] increased damage over time from you instead.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Disobedience
Defensive You gain 0.4 - 0.8% [x] increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 25- 46% [+].

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Halls of the Damned
Kehjistan All
Aspect of Earthquakes
Offensive Ground Stomp creates an Earthquake damaging enemies for 167 - 287 Physical damage over 4 seconds. While standing in Earthquakes, you deal 10 - 30% [x] increased damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Elements
Offensive Gain 15 - 35% [x] increased damage to a set of damage types for 7 seconds. This effect alternates between 2 sets:
  • Fire, Lightning, and Physical.
  • Cold, Poison, and Shadow.

1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Amulet (+ 50%), Gloves, Ring

N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Encroaching Wrath
Offensive After spending 100 Fury, your next Weapon Mastery Skill within 5 seconds deals 40 - 80% [x] increased damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Fierce Winds
Offensive Your Shout Skills create 3 Dust Devils that deal 60 - 120 damage to enemies along their path.

Your Dust Devils are 5 - 25% bigger and deal 1% [x] increased damage for each 1% their size is increased.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Forward Momentum
Mobility Knocking Back an enemy grants you 25 - 45% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Frosty Strides
Utility While below 45 - 60% Life, Evade Freezes (CC) Close enemies, deals 450 Cold damage to them, and makes them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Giant Strides
Resource Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by 1.3 - 3.5 seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 7 seconds. Hitting a Boss with Leap provides the maximum reduction.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind
Utility Whirlwind periodically Pulls (CC) enemies to you.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Herculean Spectacle
Offensive Mighty Throw deals 15 - 35% [x] increased damage and hurls another 2 weapons.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Inevitable Fate
Offensive When an enemy falls below 35% Life while afflicted with any of your Damage over Time effects, an explosion occurs every 7 seconds, dealing 300 - 525 damage for each element they're afflicted by.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Inner Calm
Offensive Deal 5 - 13% [x] increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 3 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Raethwind Wilds
Scosglen All
Aspect of Limitless Rage
Offensive Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next Core Skill within 5 seconds 1 - 3% [x] increased damage, stacking up to 15 times.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Might
Defensive Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction for 2 - 10 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Dark Ravine
Dry Steppes All
Aspect of Numbing Wrath
Defensive Each point of Fury generated while at Maximum Fury grants 3 - 32 Fortify.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Heathen's Keep
Hawezar Barbarian
Aspect of Perpetual Stomping
Mobility Damaging an enemy with Kick or Ground Stomp resets Leap's Cooldown.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Charnel House
Dry Steppes Barbarian
Aspect of Retribution
Offensive Distant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned (CC) for 2 seconds when they hit you.

You deal 15 - 35% [x] increased damage to Stunned (CC) or Knocked Down (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Abandoned Mineworks
Kehjistan All
Aspect of Shared Misery
Utility Lucky Hit: When you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a 35 - 55% chance for that Crowd Control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Hawezar All
Aspect of Shattering Steel
Offensive Steel Grasp and Iron Maelstrom launch up to 10 metal shards that deal 120 - 420 Physical damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Slaughter
Mobility You gain 20% Movement Speed. Lose this bonus for 5 - 2 seconds after taking damage from a Close enemy.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Sly Steps
Defensive When you would accumulate 50% of your Maximum Life lost, you automatically cast an equipped Defensive, Subterfuge or Macabre Skill before receiving damage. Can only occur once every 45 - 30 seconds and cannot cast Mobility Skills.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Sundered Ground
Offensive Every 20 seconds, your next Upheaval cast is guaranteed to Overpower and deals 50 - 70% [x] increased damage. Upheaval Critical Strikes against Elites reduce this timer by 1 second.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of Tempering Blows
Defensive After swapping weapons 5 times, gain 89 - 724 Fortify.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Defiled Catacomb
Fractured Peaks Barbarian
Aspect of the Crowded Sage
Defensive You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. Successful Dodges restore 5 - 25% of your Maximum Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Dark Dance
Resource Every 5 seconds, your next Core Skill costs 102 - 25 Life instead of Primary Resource. Will only occur if you have at least 60% of your Maximum Life.

Skills that consume Life deal 80% [+] increased damage.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Deflecting Barrier
Defensive You have a 5 - 12% chance after taking direct damage to gain a Barrier equal to 20% of your Maximum Life for 10 seconds. This chance is doubled against Distant enemies.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Lost Keep
Hawezar All
Aspect of the Dire Whirlwind
Offensive Whirlwind's Critical Strike Chance is increased by 3 - 12% [+] for each second it is channeled, up to 9 - 36% [+].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Garan Hold
Scosglen Barbarian
Aspect of the Expectant
Offensive After attacking enemies with a Basic Skill, increase the damage of your next Core Skill cast within 5 seconds by 5 - 12% [x], up to 30% [x].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Scosglen All
Aspect of the Flaming Rampage
Offensive Charge gains an additional Charge. Each target hit by it explodes for 104 - 194 Fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of the Fortress
Defensive For every 10% Life you are missing, gain 1 - 5% Damage Reduction.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Aspect of the Iron Warrior
Defensive Iron Skin grants Unstoppable, and 20 - 40% Damage Reduction.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Carrion Fields
Dry Steppes Barbarian
Aspect of the Moonrise
Offensive Damaging an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you 4% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 40 - 100%[x] Basic Skill damage and 15% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Protector
Defensive Damaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to 572 - 5,144 damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Lost Archives
Fractured Peaks All
Aspect of the Prudent Heart
Defensive After being damaged for at least 20% of your Maximum Life at once, you become Immune for 2.5 - 4 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of the Relentless Armsmaster
Resource Gain 35 - 75% [x] increased Fury Generation and 15% reduced Fury cost while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Calibel's Mine
Scosglen Barbarian
Aspect of the Umbral
Resource Restore 1 - 8 of your Primary Resource when you Crowd Control an enemy.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Champion's Demise
Dry Steppes All
Aspect of Vocalized Empowerment
Resource Your Barbarian Shout Skills or Druid Shout Skills generate 5 - 12 Primary Resource per second while active.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Sirocco Caverns
Kehjistan Barbarian
Assimilation Aspect
Resource You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. When you Dodge, Fortify for 5 - 12% of your Maximum Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Battle-Mad Aspect
Offensive Gain 20-40% increased damage and Berserking for 4 seconds after swapping weapons 8 times.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Bear Clan Berserker's Aspect
Resource Killing an enemy while Berserking has a 40% chance to grant 17 - 40% increased Cooldown Reduction to your Brawling Skills for 2 seconds.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Blood Boiling Aspect
Offensive When your Core Skills Overpower an enemy, you spawn 3 Volatile Blood Drops. Collecting a Volatile Blood Drop causes it to explode, dealing 188 - 638 Physical damage around you.

Every 20 seconds, your next skill is guaranteed to Overpower.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Bold Chieftain's Aspect
Resource Whenever you cast a Barbarian Shout Skills or Druid Shout Skills, its active Cooldown is reduced by 10 - 30% seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 70%.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian Druid
Brawler's Aspect
Offensive Enemies damaged by Kick or Charge will explode if they are killed within the next 2 seconds, dealing 375 - 488 damage to surrounding enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Haunted Refuge
Hawezar Barbarian
Conceited Aspect
Offensive Deal 10 - 30% [x] increased damage while you have a Barrier active.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Craven Aspect
Mobility You gain 25 - 45% [x] increased Movement Speed when moving away from Slowed (CC) or Chilled (CC) enemies.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Death Wish Aspect
Offensive Gain 445 - 572 Thorns while Berserking.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Penitent Cairns
Scosglen Barbarian
Devilish Aspect
Offensive After generating 100 Fury your next direct damage creates 2 Dust Devils that deal 60 - 105 damage to enemies along their path.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Dust Devil's Aspect
Offensive Whirlwind leaves behind Dust Devils that deal 120 - 210 damage to enemies in their path.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Earthstriker's Aspect
Offensive After swapping weapons 8 times, your next non-Basic Skill will Overpower and deal 15 - 35% [x] increased Overpower damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Maugan's Works
Hawezar Barbarian
Edgemaster's Aspect
Offensive Skills deal up to 5 - 25% [x] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Scosglen All
Eluding Aspect
Utility Becoming Injured while Crowd Controlled grants you Unstoppable for 4 seconds. This effect has a 40 - 20 second Cooldown.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Caldera Gate
Fractured Peaks All
Executioner's Aspect
Offensive Killing an enemy with an Overpower leaves behind an Earthquake at their location, dealing 300 - 602 Physical damage over 4 seconds. Can only occur once every 4 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Exploiter's Aspect
Utility You have 20% [x] increased Crowd Control Duration. While enemies are Unstoppable, you deal 25 - 45% [x] increased damage to them.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Ghostwalker Aspect
Mobility While Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain 10 - 30% [+] increased Movement Speed and are Unhindered.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Broken Bulwark
Scosglen All
Hectic Aspect
Utility After casting 5 Basic Skills, one of your active Cooldowns is reduced by 1 - 2.5 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Iron Blood Aspect
Defensive Gain 2 - 6% Damage Reduction for each Nearby Bleeding (DoT) enemy up to 10 - 30% maximum.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Forgotten Ruins
Kehjistan Barbarian
Juggernaut's Aspect
Defensive You gain 191 - 546 Armor, but your Evade has 100% increased Cooldown.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Luckbringer Aspect
Utility Gain 10 - 30% [x] increased Lucky Hit Chance while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Needleflare Aspect
Offensive Thorns damage dealt has a 25 - 45% chance to deal damage to all enemies around you and your Minions.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Yshari Sanctum
Kehjistan All
Protecting Aspect
Defensive When hit while not Healthy, a magical bubble is summoned around you for 2.5 - 6 seconds. While standing in the bubble, Players are Immune. Can only occur once every 90 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Rapid Aspect
Offensive Basic Skills gain 15 - 35% [+] Attack Speed.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Buried Halls
Dry Steppes All
Relentless Berserker's Aspect
Utility Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a 15 - 35% chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 2 seconds. Double this duration if it was a Critical Strike.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Hakan's Refuge
Kehjistan Barbarian
Skullbreaker's Aspect
Offensive Stunning (CC) a Bleeding (DoT) enemy deals 25 - 45% of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Slaking Aspect
Resource Lucky Hit: You have up to a 45 - 65% chance to gain 20 Fury when a Core Skill deals direct damage to at least one Bleeding (DoT) enemy. Your Maximum Fury is increased by 5 - 25.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Fractured Peaks Barbarian
Smiting Aspect
Offensive You have 13 - 23% [+] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain 25 - 45% [+] increased Crowd Control Duration.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Starlight Aspect
Resource Gain 25 - 45 of your Primary Resource for every 20% of your Life that you Heal or every 120% Life that you Overheal while at Maximum Life.

Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Steadfast Berserker's Aspect
Defensive Gain 135 - 768 Fortify whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Sticker-thought Aspect
Utility Gain 508 - 1270 Thorns while Channeling and for 3 seconds afterwards.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Undying Aspect
Defensive When you cast a skill, you heal for 0.5 - 2.5% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Veteran Brawler's Aspect
Offensive Each time a Core Skill deals direct damage to an enemy, your next Charge, Leap, or Kick deals 4 - 10% [x] increased damage, up to 20 - 50% [x].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Heretics Asylum
Kehjistan Barbarian
Wanton Rupture Aspect
Offensive Your Rupture does not remove the Bleeding (DoT) damage from enemies. Can only occur once every 30 - 10] seconds.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Weapon Master's Aspect
Utility Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge.

Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a 40 - 60% chance to Stun (CC) them for 2 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Wildbolt Aspect
Utility Every 3.5 - 2 seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled (CC) in to you and take 10% [x] increased damage for 3 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Wind Striker Aspect
Mobility Critical Strikes grant 8.5 - 19% [+] Movement Speed for 1 second, up to 6 seconds.

Boots, Amulet (+50%)
Shivta Ruins
Kehjistan All
Windlasher Aspect
Offensive Casting Double Swing creates a Dust Devil that deals 53 - 83 damage to enemies in its path.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian

Barbarian Unique Items

The Barbarian has a collection of Unique Items that are specifically beneficial to him. The table below details those.

+ Expand drop-down for all Barbarian Uniques Statistics.

100,000 Steps

"While many Barbarians remained in the Dreadlands, small groups from the Oxen, Crane and Bear tribes instead chose to search the land for a new home." - A History of the Children of Bul-Kathos

Type: Unique Boots
Class: Barbarian

Description: When activating or refreshing the full Walking Arsenal Key Passive effect, you automatically cast Ground Stomp and gain [50 - 100] Fury. Can only occur once every 5 seconds.

  • Evade Grants +10% Attack Speed for 3 Seconds

Affixes: (Item Power 925)
  • +[12.5 - 18.0]% Movement Speed
  • +[5.0 - 7.0]% Movement Speed per Walking Arsenal Bonus
  • +[82.5 - 105.0]% Damage to Stunned (CC) Enemies
  • +[46.5 - 60.0]% Ground Stomp Size

Ancients' Oath

"Weapons wielded by the fiercest warriors often catch the eye of the Ancient spirits. If the wielder is worthy, the spirits may bless the steel with their strength." - Gerti, Oxen Tribe Forgemaster

Type: Unique Two-Handed Axe
Class: Barbarian

Description: Steel Grasp launches 2 additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp take [40 - 60]%[x] increased damage from you for 5 seconds.

Affixes: (Item Power 925)
  • +[207.0 - 270.0]% Damage to Close Enemies
  • [12.0 - 16.0]% Cooldown Reduction
  • +[198 - 270] Strength
  • +[4 - 6] to Steel Grasp

Arreat's Bearing

"Rise clansmen and reclaim our trampled honor! Ancients' blood runs through us all! We are storms - earth breaking, maelstrom wielding. The fire of the gods burn still! They are with us!" - Ealda

Type: Unique Pants
Class: Barbarian

Description: Ancients you summon are empowered.Korlic creates an Earthquake that deals [158 - 338] Physical damage over 4 seconds when he leaps.Talic leaves behind Dust Devils that deal [315 - 675] damage while he whirlwinds.Mawdac ignites the ground Burning enemies for an additional [158 - 338] damage over 4 seconds when he upheaves the ground.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[251.0 - 350.0]% Ultimate Damage
    • [23.5 - 32.5]% Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction
    • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
    • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Resistance to All Elements


    The ancient runeblade of the angel Izual, Azurewrath was miraculously spared the corruption that consumed its master.

    Type: Unique Sword
    Class: All Classes

    Description: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to Freeze (CC) enemies for 3 seconds and deal [450 - 900] Cold damage to them.

    • +85.0% Cold Damage

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[1,100 - 2,700] Cold Damage
    • +[47 - 65] All Stats
    • +[7.0 - 9.0]% Attack Speed
    • +[46.5 - 60.0]% Cold Resistance

    Battle Trance

    "The change that overtook my brother in battle was terrifying. His eyes turned hard like diamonds, and the way he moved... it was like he was dancing to music only he could hear." - Captain Dervin

    Type: Unique Amulet
    Class: Barbarian

    Description: Increase Frenzy's maximum stacks by 2. While at maximum stacks, you deal [15 - 30]%[x] increased damage and your other Skills gain [35 - 55]%[+] increased Attack Speed.

    • +25.0% Resistance to All Elements

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Critical Strike Chance
    • [8.0 - 12.5]% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    • +[4 - 6] to Duelist
    • +[2 - 3] to Frenzy


    Whenever this ancient sword has reappeared throughout history, it portends a time of great strife, as well as a devastating loss of life.

    Type: Mythic Unique Sword
    Class: All Classes

    Description: Lucky Hit: Up to a 25% chance to deal 900 Shadow damage to surrounding enemies and reduce their damage dealt by 20% for 5 seconds.

    • +100.0% Damage

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +160 All Stats
    • 10.0% Damage Reduction
    • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +2,687 Life
    • 35.0% Maximum Life

    Fields of Crimson

    "We've been fighting these flesh-eaters for so long, been soaked in so much blood, that after a while it's difficult to tell what side you're truly on." - Daelyr, Crane Tribe warrior

    Type: Unique Two-Handed Sword
    Class: Barbarian

    Description: While using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts [53 - 98] Bleeding damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the pool take 50%[x] increased damage.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[406.0 - 550.0]% Damage to Bleeding Enemies
    • +[52.0 - 70.0]% Enhanced Rupture Explosion Size
    • +[198 - 270] Strength
    • [16.0 - 25.0]% Rupture Cooldown Reduction

    Gohr's Devastating Grips

    "The brutish construction of these gloves belies the strength they bestow. Gohr was clearly no craftsman, but it would be foolish to ignore the triumph of his work." - Barrett's Book of Implements

    Type: Unique Gloves
    Class: Barbarian

    Description: Whirlwind explodes every 2 seconds and after it ends, dealing [50 - 80]% of the Base damage dealt to surrounding enemies as Fire damage.

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Critical Strike Chance Against Close Enemies
      • +[8.0 - 12.5]% Movement Speed
      • +[10.5 - 15.0]% Attack Speed
      • +[3 - 5] to Whirlwind


      The demon prince Ikonoth slew hundreds of the Heavenly Host with this infernal hammer before falling to none other than the Archangel Imperius himself.

      Type: Unique Two-Handed Mace
      Class: Barbarian

      Description: Upheaval ignites the ground Burning enemies for an additional [225 - 375] damage over 4 seconds increased by 10%[x] for every 100 Strength you have.Current Bonus: 0%[x]

      • +300.0% Damage to Burning Enemies

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)


      The malformed snake creatures that live in the swamps are not content with simply killing their prey. They seem to take a malicious pleasure from inflicting as much suffering as possible before death.

      Type: Unique Two-Handed Mace
      Class: Barbarian

      Description: Death Blow creates a shockwave, dealing [60 - 80]% of its Base damage to enemies. Enemies who die to this effect also reset Death Blow’s Cooldown.

      • +350.0% Damage to Injured Enemies

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[198 - 270] Strength
      • +[342.0 - 450.0]% Physical Damage
      • +[125.0 - 170.0]% Vulnerable Damage
      • +[4 - 6] to Death Blow

      Rage of Harrogath

      Harrogath, the final bastion of resistance against Baal's assault on Mt. Arreat was destroyed along with the Worldstone. The survivors never forgave the betrayal that led to the loss of their home.

      Type: Unique Chest Armor
      Class: Barbarian

      Description: Lucky Hit: Inflicting Bleeding on an enemy has up to a [20 - 60]% chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your Skills by 1.0 second.

        Affixes: (Item Power 925)
        • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
        • [8.0 - 12.5]% Damage Reduction from Bleeding Enemies
        • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Critical Strike Chance
        • +[72.5 - 95.0]% Damage Over Time

        Ramaladni's Magnum Opus

        "Without him the wine is less sweet, the hearth less warm, and our blades less keen. Our blood brother is gone, but Bul-Kathos willing, we will meet again one day." - Sorrowsong for Ramaladni

        Type: Unique Sword
        Class: Barbarian

        Description: Skills using this weapon deal [0.20 - 0.50]%[x] increased damage per point of Fury you have, but you lose 10 Fury every second.

        • +50.0% Damage

        Affixes: (Item Power 925)
        • +[40.0 - 50.0]% Critical Strike Damage
        • +[76 - 90] Strength
        • +[12 - 20] Maximum Resource
        • +[50.0 - 60.0]% Overpower Damage

        Ring of Red Furor

        "Anger brings strength but clouds the mind. You must learn to focus your fury, direct it with purpose. Keep our sacred duty at the forefront of your mind, always." - Talic, to Madawc

        Type: Unique Ring
        Class: Barbarian

        Description: After spending 100 Fury within 3 seconds, your next cast of Hammer of the Ancients, Upheaval, or Death Blow within 5 seconds is a guaranteed Critical Strike and deals x50 - 80% bonus Critical Strike Damage.

        • +12.5% Resistance to All Elements
        • +12.5% Fire Resistance


        Ring of the Ravenous

        "The hunger, it starts so small, like a tickle in the back of your mind. You believe the lie that you still have control until you're so far gone you can't even recognize yourself." - Varyana

        Type: Unique Ring
        Class: Barbarian

        Description: Rend's duration is increased by 4 - 8 seconds. Damaging enemies with your Brawling Skills applies 2 stacks of Rend's Bleed. This can only affect each enemy once every 1 second.

        • +12.5% Resistance to All Elements
        • +12.5% Shadow Resistance


        The Butcher's Cleaver

        A nightmarish amalgam of blood, bone and steel, this axe is as horrific, and as deadly, as its creator.

        Type: Unique Axe
        Class: Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer

        Description: Lucky Hit: Critically Striking an enemy has up to a 100% chance to Fear and Slow them by [61 - 90]% for 4 seconds.

        • +175.0% Damage to Injured Enemies

        Affixes: (Item Power 925)
        • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Critical Strike Chance Against Feared Enemies
        • +[12.5 - 18.0]% Movement Speed
        • +[7.0 - 9.0]% Attack Speed
        • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Physical Damage

        The Grandfather

        An unbroken lineage of unwavering strength.

        Type: Mythic Unique Two-Handed Sword
        Class: Barbarian, Necromancer

        Description: Increases your Critical Strike Damage by 100%[x]. The other properties on this weapon can roll higher than normal.

        • +150.0% Damage
        • Ignore Durability Loss

        Affixes: (Item Power 925)
        • +220 All Stats
        • +300.0% Damage
        • +1,800 Maximum Life
        • +20 Maximum Resource

        The Third Blade

        "Restraint, mercy, honor...these are shackles, forged by the weak and the conquered." -Hephasto, the Armorer

        Type: Unique Sword
        Class: Barbarian

        Description: Your Weapon Mastery Skills are now also Core Skills that have no Cooldowns but cost Fury, dealing [50 - 70]% of normal damage. Their Fury costs are reduced by 5 for any additional Charges the Skill would have had.

        • +65.0% Damage to Close Enemies

        Affixes: (Item Power 925)

        Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty

        As he fought with side by side with Raekor to liberate the labor camp, Joritz claimed this dented helm from a fallen foe. As his legend grew, its unique shape became synonymous with his great deeds.

        Type: Unique Helm
        Class: Barbarian

        Description: When you gain Berserking while already Berserk, you have a [40 - 60]% chance to become more enraged granting 25%[x] increased damage, 2 Fury per second, and 10% Cooldown Reduction.

          Affixes: (Item Power 925)
          • +[103.5 - 135.0]% Damage while Berserking
          • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Attack Speed while Berserking
          • +[10.5 - 15.0]% Movement Speed while Berserking
          • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life

          Twin Strikes

          "When hitting it once doesn't kill it, hit it twice." - Bear Tribe Proverb

          Type: Unique Gloves
          Class: Barbarian

          Description: After casting Double Swing 4 times, your next Double Swing will hit 2 additional times, each dealing [50 - 80]%[x] increased damage.

            Affixes: (Item Power 925)
            • +[15.5 - 20.0]% Attack Speed
            • +[9.0 - 11.0]% Critical Strike Chance
            • +[76 - 90] Strength
            • +[2 - 3] to Double Swing

            Barbarian History

            Lead by Bul-Kathos, the tribes called “barbarians” by the people of the Western Kingdoms united and took upon themselves a sacred duty to protect Mount Arreat and its mystical secrets, until it was destroyed. They call themselves the Children of Bul-Kathos.

            The Children of Bul-Kathos developed a kinship with the land over the years, and learned to harness the primal energies in nature to enhance their own substantial physical prowess, popularly referred to as “fury”. They also developed a spiritual strength that far surpasses most of the living and dead creatures found throughout Sanctuary. Ancient spirits even guarded the very gates to the Worldstone Keep.

            A number of Barbarians started roving the lands outside the Steppes, prepared for war and seeking information regarding the activities of the Prime Evils. During the concluding events of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, the characters defeated Baal, only to learn from Tyrael that the Worldstone had been corrupted and would have to be destroyed. The destruction of the Worldstone caused a shockwave so powerful it blasted Mount Arreat to rubble, destroying the remainder of Baal’s army in the process, thus saving the Barbarian lands from its invasion. However the Barbarians found their sacred Mt. Arreat laid to complete waste, and the duty that had been theirs for generations was therefore broken.

            Arreat Crater

            Twenty years later (in the setting of Diablo III) the Barbarian lands are largely deserted and the only remains of Mount Arreat, formerly an iconic landmark and the source of the Barbarians’ spiritual strength, is a huge crater.

            More than the physical damage, the events detailed in Act Five of Diablo II devastated the Barbarian culture. The Barbarians gained their identity and cultural pride from protecting the Worldstone within Mount Arreat. To see it defiled by Baal and his minions and then destroyed tore out the heart of these proud people. They abandoned their homeland and became nomadic, wandering the lands of Sanctuary and pitching themselves into battle after battle in an effort to forget the pain of their shattered homeland.

            Abd al-Hazir visited the Barbarian lands and wrote about his experiences and observation in the 25th entry of his writings. It sets the stage for the story we will learn when playing the game.

            The Barbarians consider it their sworn duty to protect Mount Arreat and the mysterious object within. They believe that if they fail to uphold their duty to the great mount, or are not given a proper burial upon its slopes, they will be denied a true warrior’s death, and their spirits shall roam the land without honor for all eternity.
            If there are any barbarians left alive, they must truly be without hope. Perhaps this is the genesis of the rumors of monstrous things reported to resemble the barbarians in size and ferocity, but that are in reality nothing more than unreasoning, inhuman beasts. Could the destruction of not only their home but also their very beliefs have actually brought this magnificent race so low

            Official Lore from Diablo 3

            As related in entry #25 in the writings of Abd al-Hazir.

            In my journey to catalogue the various denizens, civilizations, and fauna of our world, I have traveled far and wide, but never before have I been struck with such dismay as when standing upon the ramparts of the ancient fortress of Bastion’s Keep. I came to see firsthand the barbarians, those near-legendary, immense, relentless, dual-wielding furies of combat dwelling upon their sacred Mount Arreat.Instead, I stand here looking at a mountain that has been torn asunder by some extraordinary force. The sight, I must confess, is incomprehensible. Yet what I see before me cannot be denied.

            What truly happened here? Where are those majestic warriors of old?

            Though they were once misunderstood as simple, bloodthirsty invaders, the long and noble history of these proud people is now rightly acknowledged. And therein lies the greater tragedy here, for those of us familiar with the nobility of the barbarians remember too what they call their “vigil”, the concept that lay at the very heart of their culture. The barbarians consider it their sworn duty to protect Mount Arreat and the mysterious object within. They believe that if they fail to uphold their duty to the great mount, or are not given a proper burial upon its slopes, they will be denied a true warrior’s death, and their spirits shall roam the land without honor for all eternity.

            If there are any barbarians left alive, they must truly be without hope. Perhaps this is the genesis of the rumors of monstrous things reported to resemble the barbarians in size and ferocity, but that are in reality nothing more than unreasoning, inhuman beasts. Could the destruction of not only their home but also their very beliefs have actually brought this magnificent race so low?

            Blizzard Notes on Diablo 3 Barbarian Development

            The barbarian is the only returning class. Originally we actually planned to have no returning classes, but as we developed the barbarian, it essentially ended up turning into a barbarian. We sort of got to the point where we went – because we actually had a different name for him originally – I think we’re going to call it this other name and everyone else is just going to call it the barbarian, so maybe we should just call it the barbarian. One of the things we really did not want to do – it’s why we set that initial goal to not repeat classes – was, we didn’t just want a rehash; we wanted to make the sequel and the sequel has new gameplay and new experiences. I know a lot of people really love the classes in Diablo 2 and it’s not my desire to intentionally arc those people – I like those classes to; I love the Necromancer, he’s my favorite class from Diablo 2 – but as our goal, we really wanted to provide new experiences; that was our focus.


            Skill-driven Deaths were quietly removed from the plans.

            Barbarian Skill-driven Deaths

            This system allows you to decapitate, bisect, freeze, shatter, eviscerate, and burn your enemies depending on skills used. The Barbarian's are as follows:

            • Crush – Flatten a monster under the weight of a heavy object
            • Decapitate - Remove a monster’s head from its body
            • Cut In Half - Sliced in two.
            • Break Lower Limbs- The monster’s lower body is shattered, splitting several of their joints

            Early Barbarian Talent Tree

            Below is an early version of the Barbarian talent tree.

            Barbarian Talent Tree
            Barbarian Talent Tree - This will likely have now changed.

            Changes to Barbarian

            Patch 1.4.0, May 14, 2024

            • Barbarian’s 10% innate Damage Reduction has been removed.
            • Legendary powers that require Call of the Ancients to be equipped no longer have that requirement.
              • Previously, Dust Devils would have varying durations, speeds, and movement patterns based on which legendary Aspect created them. Now, they all behave consistently regardless of which Aspect they are from. Additionally, the following updates have been applied for Dust Devils:
                • The maximum number of Dust Devils that can be active at once is now 15. Dust Devils now move more quickly and dissipate sooner.

            Patch 1.3.0, January 23, 2024

            • Expertise levelling has been cut by 50%.

            Barbarian Druid Necromancer Rogue Sorcerer Spiritborn