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(Redirected from Bleeding)
Name Description
Bleed Bleed inflicts physical damage as a percentage of weapon damage over time (dot).

Bleed is a Status Effect.

Whilst bleeding, the damage your Bleed will inflict on a target will display as a dark red portion on the health bar. The bright red portion is the monster's remaining health. This means that even if the monster's health (bright red portion) goes to zero the monster remains alive until the dark red portion (the bleed dot) has finished 'bleeding out'.

Bleed Monster Health Bar

The upside at this point is you can move onto another target leaving the monster to bleed out and die but the downside is it can continue to attack you. It appears that the monster can not be killed by any other means by you until it has bled out.

This doesn't apply when using Rupture as that applies the total Bleeding damaging at once as you rip your weapon out.

The Barbarian has plenty of skills that inflict Bleed and boost it.



Flay the enemy, dealing 5% damage and inflicting 8% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Requires a slashing weapon.

Damage: Physical

Generate Fury: 15

Lucky Hit Chance: 50%

Tags: Basic

Upgrade Hub
Enhanced Flay

Flay has a 15% chance to make the enemy Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Double this chance when using a Two-Handed weapon.

Requires point in Flay.

Upgrade Hub
Battle Lunging Strike

Lunging Strike also inflicts 20% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Requires point in Enhanced Lunging Strike.



Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing 12% damage and inflicting 96% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Requires a slashing weapon.

Damage: Physical

Fury Cost: 35

Lucky Hit Chance: 33%

Tags: Core

Upgrade Hub
Violent Rend

Rend deals x25% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Requires point in Enhanced Rend.

Upgrade Hub
Furious Whirlwind

While using a Slashing weaponWhirlwind also inflicts 40% of its Base damage as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Requires point in Enhanced Whirlwind.

Weapon Mastery


Skewer enemies in a line, dealing 13% damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount removing all Bleeding damage from them.

Requires a slashing weapon.

Damage: Physical

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Lucky Hit Chance: 50%

Tags: Weapon Mastery

Enhanced Rupture

Ripping your weapon out of enemies during Rupture causes an explosion that deals 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. This damage is increased by x 10% for each 50 Strength you have.

Requires point in Rupture.



Your Bleeding effects Slow (CC) Healthy enemies by 20 / 40 / 60%

Cut to the Bone
Cut to the Bone

Your Bleeding effects deal x 5 / 10 / 15% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Requires a point in Hamstrung.

Iron maelstrom

Iron Maelstrom

Activate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack:

  • First your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing 60% damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
  • Next your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swipes in front of you, dealing 20% damage and inflicting 120% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
  • Finally your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing 33% damage per hit.

Requires a Full Arsenal of weapons.

Damage: Physical

Cooldown: 45 seconds

Lucky Hit Chance: 24%

Tags: Ultimate

Gushing Wounds
Gushing Wounds

When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 115% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.

Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.