Kick is a Barbarian skill from the Brawling skill tree. Its features are:
KickCharges: 2 |
Enhanced KickDamaging enemies with Kick makes them Vulnerable for 4 seconds. |
Mighty KickKicked enemies deal 54% damage to enemies they collide with while being Knocked Back. Enemies damaged this way are Knocked Down (CC) for 2 seconds. |
Power KickIf Kick damages an enemy, it consumes all of your Fury and deals an additional 25% damage per 10 Fury spent. Kick no longer Knocks Back enemies. |
Other Skills that work with Kick
The following skills either:
- Create a condition Kick can exploit
- Exploit a condition Kick creates
Brawling Tree |
Battle FervorWhen a Brawling Skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for 1 second. |
Items that work with Kick
The following items either:
- Grant a bonus when using Kick
- Create a condition Kick can exploit
- Exploit a condition Kick creates
Legendary Aspects
Brawler's Aspect
|Enemies damaged by Kick or Charge will explode if they are killed within the next 2 seconds, dealing 375 - 488 damage to surrounding enemies.
Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
|Haunted Refuge
Aspect of Perpetual Stomping
|Damaging an enemy with Kick or Ground Stomp resets Leap's Cooldown.
Boots, Amulet (+50%)
|Charnel House
|Dry Steppes
Unique Items
There are no Unique Items that affect Kick.
Changes to Kick
Patch 1.4.0, 14 April, 2024
- Range of damage increased from 2.2 meters to 3 meters.
- Additional damage when enemy is knocked into a wall increased from 70% to 105%.
Patch 1.0.3, June 27, 2023
- Cooldown reduced from 17 to 13 seconds.
- Base damage dealt to enemies Knocked Back into terrain increased from 54% to 70%.