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Stun is a crowd control effect in Diablo 4 which prevents movement and attacks. This applied to both players and enemies.

Class Stun skills

Barbarian Stun Skills



Generate Fury: 15
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 33% damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will clobber, Stunning (CC) enemies for 1.5 seconds. Clobber twice as often while using a Two-Handed weapon.

Damage: Physical Damage
Requires a Bludgeoning weapon
Tags: Basic, Bludgeoning



Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a 10% chance to Stun (CC) enemies for 2 seconds, or up to a 15% chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.

Tags: Bludgeoning


Ground Stomp

Cooldown: 16 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Smash the ground, dealing 80% damage and Stunning (CC) surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Defensive



Charges: 2
Charge Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Throw a powerful kick that deals 60% damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 105% damage and are Stunned (CC) for 3 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Brawling



Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal 5%[x] increased damage if the enemy is Stunned (CC) or Vulnerable.

Tags: Bludgeoning


Iron Maelstrom

Cooldown: 45 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: [24%
Activate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack:
First, your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing 60% damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
Next, your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swipes in front of you, dealing 20% damage and inflicting 120% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
Finally, your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing 32% damage per hit.

Damage: Physical Damage
Requires a Full Arsenal of weapons
Tags: Ultimate, Bludgeoning, Dual Wield

Weapon Mastery

No Mercy

You have 3%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance.

Damage: Physical Damage

Druid Stun Skills


Bad Omen

Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance when dealing damage to a Vulnerable, Immobilized (CC) or Stunned (CC) enemy that a Lightning Bolt also hits dealing 55% damage.

Damage: Lightning Damage
Tags: Nature Magic, Storm


Crushing Earth

Earth Skills deal 5%[x] increased damage to Slowed (CC), Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC) or Knocked Back (CC) enemies.

Tags: Earth, Nature Magic



Cooldown: 14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing 75% damage and Knocking Back (CC) enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 45% damage and are Stunned (CC) for 3 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Wrath, Shapeshifting, Werebear, Mobility

Key Passives

Earthen Might

Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Earth Skills has up to a 15% chance to:
• Restore all of your Spirit
• Cause your attacks to be guaranteed Critical Strikes for 5 seconds
This chance is increased by:
15% for Critical Strikes
15% if the target is Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC), or Knocked Back (CC)

Tags: Earth, Nature Magic


Nature's Reach

Deal 5%[x] increased damage to Distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also Slowed (CC), Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC), or Knocked Back.

Damage: Physical Damage


Natural Disaster

Your Earth Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Your Storm Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage to enemies that are Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC) or Knocked Back (CC).

Tags: Earth, Storm, Nature Magic
Prerequisite: Can also reach Natural Disaster via Petrify.



Cooldown: 50 seconds
Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning (CC) them for 3 seconds. You deal 30%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify.
Against Bosses, the Critical Strike Damage bonus is increased to 50%[x] and its duration is increased to 6 seconds.

Damage: N/A
Tags: Ultimate, Nature Magic, Earth


Thick Hide

Whenever you are Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC) or Knocked Down (CC), Fortify for 10% of your Maximum Life.

Damage: Physical Damage

Necromancer Stun Skills

Corpse & Macabre

Corpse Tendrils

Cooldown: 11 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Veins burst out of a Corpse, Pulling in enemies, Stunning (CC) them for 3 seconds, and dealing 20% damage to them. Does not consume the Corpse.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Corpse, Corruption


Crippling Darkness

Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun (CC) for 1 seconds and deal 20% Shadow damage to them.



You deal 3%[x] increased Shadow damage to enemies who are Slowed (CC) or Chilled, and 3%[x] increased Shadow damage to enemies who are Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC), or Frozen (CC). These bonuses stack and apply to Shadow damage dealt by your Minions.

Note - The Necromancer's Golem can stun.

Rogue Stun Skills


Shadow Crash

Lucky Hit: Shadow damage has up to a 10% chance to Stun (CC) for 0.5 seconds.

Key Passives


Casting or Channeling a Cutthroat Skill grants a stack of Momentum. Casting a Marksman Skill removes a stack of Momentum.

For each stack of Momentum, you gain:
3% Damage Reduction
3% Maximum Energy
3%[x] Energy Regeneration
3%[+] Movement Speed
6%[x] Increased Damage
Maximum of 10 Stacks.

Tags: Cutthroat



Lucky Hit: Dealing damage to an enemy affected by a Trap Skill has up to a 40% chance to:
Reduce the active Cooldowns of your Trap Skills by 20%
Drop a cluster of exploding Stun (CC) Grenades that deal 80% total Physical damage and Stun (CC) enemies for 1.00 seconds

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Trap, Grenade

Sorcerer Stun Skills


Arc Lash

Lucky Hit Chance: 14%
Unleash arcing lightning that deals 42% damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns (CC) all enemies hit for 2 seconds.

When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned (CC) for 1 seconds.

Damage: Lightning
Tags: Basic, Shock



Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a 7% chance to Stun (CC) enemies for 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Can also reach Convulsions via Unstable Currents.


Shocking Impact

Every time you Stun (CC) an enemy, you deal 50% Lightning damage to them.

Aspects that stun

Generic Aspects

Aspect of Audacity
Resource When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun (CC) them for 2.5 - 4.5 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Gloves, Boots, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction All
Aspect of Retribution
Offensive Distant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned (CC) for 2 seconds when they hit you.

You deal 15 - 35% [x] increased damage to Stunned (CC) or Knocked Down (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Abandoned Mineworks
Kehjistan All

Barbarian Aspects

Aspect of Anemia
Utility Lucky Hit: Damaging Bleeding (DoT) or Vulnerable enemies has up to a 15 - 35% chance to Stun (CC) them for 2 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Kor Dragan Barracks
Fractured Peaks Barbarian
Skullbreaker's Aspect
Offensive Stunning (CC) a Bleeding (DoT) enemy deals 25 - 45% of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian
Weapon Master's Aspect
Utility Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge.

Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a 40 - 60% chance to Stun (CC) them for 2 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Barbarian

Necromancer Aspects

Torturous Aspect
Utility Iron Maiden is now also a Darkness Skill and deals Shadow damage. Enemies have a 10 - 30% chance to be Stunned (CC) for 1 second when they take damage from Iron Maiden.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Deserted Underpass
Kehjistan Necromancer

Rogue Aspects

Aspect of Surprise
Offensive When you Evade or Shadow Step, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal 90 - 270] total Physical damage and Stun (CC) enemies for 1 second.

Your Stun Grenades deal 25 - 45% increased damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Rogue
Opportunist's Aspect
Offensive When you enter or break Stealth, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around you that deal 180 - 278 total Physical damage and Stun (CC) enemies for 1 second.

Your Stun Grenades deal 25 - 45% increased damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Prison of Caldeum
Kehjistan Rogue
Trickster's Aspect
Offensive Caltrops and Smoke Grenade receive your Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal 78 - 168 Physical damage and Stun (CC) enemies for 1 second.

Your Stun Grenades deal 25 - 45% increased damage.

Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Guulrahn Canals
Dry Steppes Rogue

Sorcerer Aspects

Aspect of Control
Offensive You deal 20 - 40% [x] more damage to Immobilized (CC), Stunned (CC), or Frozen (CC) enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Sunken Library
Kehjistan Sorcerer

Countering Stun

When a player is affected by Stun, there are skills that can counter the effect. These include the following skills:




Cooldown: 17 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Become Unstoppable and rush forward, pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for 180% damage and Knocking them Back.

Damage: Physical Damage
Requires any complete Arsenal weapon
Tags: Brawling, Mobility

Enhanced Rallying Cry Upgrade

Enhanced Rallying Cry

Rallying Cry grants you Unstoppable while active.


Wrath of the Berserker

Cooldown: 60 seconds
Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

Damage: N/A
Tags: Ultimate, Basic


Upgrade Hub
Enhanced Earthen Bulwark

Earthen Bulwark makes you Unstoppable while active.

Upgrade Hub
Prime Grizzly Rage

Grizzly Rage makes you Unstoppable for 6 seconds



Cooldown: 14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing 75% damage and Knocking Back (CC) enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 45% damage and are Stunned (CC) for 3 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Wrath, Shapeshifting, Werebear, Mobility




Cooldown: 20 seconds
Vanish from sight, gaining an advanced form of Stealth for 5 seconds that will not be removed by taking damage.

Concealment also makes you Unstoppable, grants 30%[+] Movement Speed, Unhindered for its duration.

Using an attack Skill during Concealment will break Concealment.

Tags: Subterfuge

Upgrade Hub
Prime Shadow Clone

You gain Stealth and Unstoppable for 5 seconds after casting Shadow Clone.


Shadow Step

Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 100%
Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for 80% damage. Gain 50% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds afterwards.

Damage: Physical Damage
Requires Dual Wielded weapons
Tags: Agility, Cutthroat, Imbueable, Mobility




Cooldown: 14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 65%
Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing 35% damage around you upon arrival.

Evade is replaced with a short range Teleport on a 17.0 second Cooldown. This version of Teleport does not make you Unstoppable.

Damage: Lightning
Tags: Defensive, Shock, Mobility