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Iron Maiden

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Iron Maiden is a Necromancer skill from the Curse skill tree. Its features are:

Grants Player Exploits Condition
Pysical Dmg N/A

'Creates Condition' means this skill creates this condition i.e it could make a target Vulnerable that other skills can take advantage of. 'Exploits Condition' means this skill takes advantage of a condition, not necessarily of its own making. So for example another skill might Stun and this skill could take advantage of that.

Iron Maiden Details and Upgrades


Iron Maiden

Essence Cost: 10
Curse the target area. Enemies afflicted by Iron Maiden take 30% damage every 2 seconds and each time they deal direct damage. Lasts 10 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Curse, Corruption


Upgrade Hub
Enhanced Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden no longer costs Essence. Instead, gain 5 Essence for each enemy Cursed. Does not work with enemies already cursed with Iron Maiden.

Horrid Iron Maiden Upgrade

Horrid Iron Maiden

When at least 3 enemies are afflicted by Iron Maiden , its damage is increased by x30%.

Upgrade Hub
Abhorrent Iron Maiden

Heal for 7% of your Maximum Life when an enemy dies while afflicted with Iron Maiden.

Items that work with Iron Maiden

The following items either:

  • Grant a bonus when using Iron Maiden
  • Create a condition Iron Maiden can exploit
  • Exploit a condition Iron Maiden creates

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Damned
Offensive You and your Minions deal 35 - 55%[x] increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by any Curse.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Uldur's Cave
Kehjistan Necromancer
Torturous Aspect
Utility Iron Maiden is now also a Darkness Skill and deals Shadow damage. Enemies have a 10 - 30% chance to be Stunned (CC) for 1 second when they take damage from Iron Maiden.

Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Deserted Underpass
Kehjistan Necromancer

Unique Items


Blood Moon Breeches

A naturally occurring curiosity, the blood moon persists as a sign of woe for the most superstitious Zakarum faithful. Children born under it are often considered cursed and cast out, lest it spread.

Type: Unique Pants
Class: Necromancer

Description: Your Minions' attacks have a [3.0 - 7.0]% chance to randomly inflict Decrepify or Iron Maiden. You deal [100 - 150]%[x] increased Overpower damage to enemies affected by your Curses.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[88.0 - 115.0]% Overpower Damage
    • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Curse Duration
    • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
    • +[2 - 4] to Curse Skills

    Changes to Iron Maiden

    Patch 1.3.0, January 23, 2024

    • Damage increased from 0.2 to 0.3.
    • Horrid Iron Maiden - Bonus damage increased from 20% to 30%.

    Patch 1.1.0a, July 18, 2023

    Patch 1.0.3, June 27, 2023

    • Base damage increased from 10% to 20%.
    • Horrid Iron Maiden - Damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.