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Fields of Crimson

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Fields of Crimson is a unique two-handed Sword that can only be equipped by the Barbarian and can be found in any World Tier. Better versions can drop in higher Difficulties.

Fields of Crimson can be target farmed from The Beast in the Ice and Varshan.

The Barbarian has access to other specific Barbarian Unique Items.


Fields of Crimson

"We've been fighting these flesh-eaters for so long, been soaked in so much blood, that after a while it's difficult to tell what side you're truly on." - Daelyr, Crane Tribe warrior

Type: Unique Two-Handed Sword
Class: Barbarian

Description: While using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts [53 - 98] Bleeding damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the pool take 50%[x] increased damage.

Affixes: (Item Power 925)
  • +[406.0 - 550.0]% Damage to Bleeding Enemies
  • +[52.0 - 70.0]% Enhanced Rupture Explosion Size
  • +[198 - 270] Strength
  • [16.0 - 25.0]% Rupture Cooldown Reduction

Changes to Fields of Crimson

Patch 1.4.0, May 14, 2024

  • The blood pool now makes enemies take increased damage from all damage types.

Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

  • Bonus Ranks of Rupture affix replaced with Rupture Cooldown Reduction at 200% of normal value.

Patch 1.1.1, August 8, 2023

  • Damage increased from 0.18 - 0.34 to 0.22 - 0.38.
  • Damage that enemies take standing in pools increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Rupture Cooldown Reduction affix replaced with Bonus Critical Strike Damage.

Patch 1.1.0a, July 18, 2023

  • Bleeding damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%.

Unique Items