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Saboteur's Signet

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Saboteur's Signet is a unique ring that can only be equipped by the Rogue and can be found in any World Tier. Better versions can drop in higher Difficulties.

Saboteur's Signet can be target farmed from Grigoire.

The Rogue has access to other specific Rogue Unique Items.


Saboteur's Signet

"The element of surprise is the starting point. In this moment, be sure to finish it." - Kashya

Type: Unique Ring
Class: Rogue

Description: Casting a Core Skill has a [15 - 45]% chance to throw Stun Grenades that deal [191 - 300] Physical damage and Stun (CC) enemies for 1 second. Your Stun Grenades gain 5% Lucky Hit Chance.

  • +10.0% Resistance to All Elements
  • +10.0% Shadow Resistance

Affixes: (Item Power 925)
  • +[203.0 - 275.0]% Grenade Damage
  • +[29.0 - 42.5]% Stun Grenade (CC) Size
  • +1 Energy when a Stun Grenade Explodes
  • [6.0 - 8.0]% Cooldown Reduction

Changes to Saboteur's Signet

Patch 1.4.3, June 17, 2024

  • Grenade damage increased by 50%.

Patch 1.4.0, April 14, 2023

Unique Items