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Cowl of the Nameless

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Cowl of the Nameless is a unique Helm that can only be equipped by the Rogue and can be found in any World Tier. Better versions can drop in higher Difficulties.

To target farm the Cowl of the Nameless head to the Gaping Crevasse (Map) near Gea Kul to face The Echo of Duriel.

The Rogue has access to other specific Rogue Unique Items.


Cowl of the Nameless

"He is banished from the Guild, his name stricken from the Book. His punishment is to never have been." - Excerpt from a burned parchment

Type: Unique Helm
Class: Rogue

Description: You gain x20 - 40% increased Lucky Hit Chance against Crowd Controlled enemies.


    Changes to Cowl of the Nameless

    Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

    • Maximum Energy affix replaced with bonus Ranks of Imbuement Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
    • Dexterity affix replaced with Damage Reduction from Close Enemies.

    Unique Items