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Landslide is a Druid skill from the Core skill tree. Its features are:

Grants Player Exploits Condition
Physical Damage Immobilized
Nature Magic Stunned
Earth Skills
Immobalizes (CC)
Critical Strike

Landslide Details and Upgrades



Spirit Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Crush enemies between 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 140% damage.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Core, Nature Magic, Earth


Upgrade Hub
Enhanced Landslide

After Landslide damages enemies 4 times, the next hit will Immobilize (CC) enemies for 3 seconds.

Upgrade Hub
Primal Landslide

When you Immobilize or Stun an enemy, you gain a Terramote. Each enemy hit by Landslide consumes a Terramote causing a guaranteed Critical Strike with x40% Critical Strike Damage. Bosses always have up to a 10% chance to grant a Terramote when hit.

Raging Landslide Upgrade

Raging Landslide

When you strike an Immobilized (CC) or Stunned (CC) enemy with Landslide , an additional pillar of earth is formed.

Note: Primal Landslide - You can Immobilize or Stun with any skill that has that effect but Landslide needs to be in your active skill bar to gain the Terramotes.

Other Skills that work with Landslide

The following skills either:

  • Create a condition Landslide can exploit
  • Exploit a condition Landslide creates

Base Tree
Enhanced Earth Spike Upgrade

Enhanced Earth Spike

Earth Spike has a 15% chance to Stun (CC) for 2.5 seconds.


Upgrade Hub
Wild Earth Spike

Summon a second Earth Spike when hitting an Immobilized or Stunned enemy.


Upgrade Hub
Fierce Earth Spike

Fortify for 12% of your Maximum Life whenever Earth Spike damages enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.


Enhanced Storm Strike Upgrade

Enhanced Storm Strike

Storm Strike has a 15% chance to Immobilize (CC) all enemies hit for 2.5 seconds.


Core Tree

Wild Impulses

Your Core Skills cost 3%[x] more Spirit but deal 5%[x] increased damage. Passive

Upgrade Hub
Primal Lightning Storm

Lightning Storm has an 12% chance to Immobilize (CC) enemies hit for 3 seconds.


Companion Tree

Poison Creeper

Cooldown: 20 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 28%
Passive: 1 poison creeper periodically emerges from the ground every 7 seconds, applying 46% Poisoning damage over 6 seconds to an enemy in the area.
Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, Immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for 126% damage over 2 seconds.

Damage: Poison Damage
Tags: Companion Skill

Enhanced Wolf Pack Upgrade

Enhanced Wolf Pack

Wolves deal 25%[x] increased damage to Immobilized (CC), Stunned (CC), Slowed (CC), or Poisoned enemies.


Brutal Wolf Pack Upgrade

Brutal Wolf Pack

When you Critically Strike, your Wolves gain 25%[+] Attack Speed for 3 seconds.



Nature's Reach

Deal 5%[x] increased damage to Distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also Slowed (CC), Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC), or Knocked Back.

Damage: Physical Damage

Wrath Tree
Enhanced Boulder Upgrade

Enhanced Boulder

When Boulder reaches the end of its path, enemies hit are Slowed (CC) by 30% for 3 seconds. If Boulder Overpowered , enemies are Stunned for 4 seconds instead.




Cooldown: 14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing 75% damage and Knocking Back (CC) enemies.
Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 45% damage and are Stunned (CC) for 3 seconds.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Wrath, Shapeshifting, Werebear, Mobility Skill


Crushing Earth

Earth Skills deal 5%[x] increased damage to Slowed (CC), Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC) or Knocked Back (CC) enemies.

Tags: Earth, Nature Magic Passive



Critical Strikes with Earth Skills Fortify you for 3% of your Maximum Life (1).

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Earth, Nature Magic
Prerequisite: Can also reach Safeguard via Boulder. Passive


Stone Guard

While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, your Earth Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Earth, Nature Magic
Prerequisite: Can also reach Stone Guard via Boulder. Passive


Electric Shock

Lucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage to enemies has up to a 8% chance to Immobilize (CC) them for 3 seconds. If the target is already Immobilized (CC), the Lightning damage dealt to them is increased by 7%[x] instead.

Damage: Physical Damage


Bad Omen

Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance when dealing damage to a Vulnerable, Immobilized (CC) or Stunned (CC) enemy that a Lightning Bolt also hits dealing 55% damage.

Damage: Lightning Damage
Tags: Nature Magic, Storm Passive

Ultimate Tree


Cooldown: 50 seconds
Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning (CC) them for 3 seconds. You deal 30%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify.
Against Bosses, the Critical Strike Damage bonus is increased to 50%[x] and its duration is increased to 6 seconds.

Damage: N/A
Tags: Ultimate, Nature Magic, Earth Skill



Nature Magic Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage to Elites.

Tags: Nature Magic Passive


Circle of Life

Nature Magic Skills that consume Spirit, Heal you for 1% of your Maximum Life.

Tags: Nature Magic
Prerequisite: Can also reach Circle of Life via Petrify and Cataclysm. Passive



Nature Magic Skills deal 2%[x] increased damage. Triple this bonus if an Earth Skill is the next Skill cast after a Storm Skill, or a Storm Skill is the next Skill cast after an Earth Skill.

Tags: Nature Magic, Earth, Storm
Prerequisite: Can also reach Resonance via Petrify. Passive


Natural Disaster

Your Earth Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Your Storm Skills deal 4%[x] increased damage to enemies that are Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC) or Knocked Back (CC).

Tags: Earth, Storm, Nature Magic
Prerequisite: Can also reach Natural Disaster via Petrify. Passive

Key Passives Tree

Earthen Might

Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Earth Skills has up to a 15% chance to:
• Restore all of your Spirit
• Cause your attacks to be guaranteed Critical Strikes for 5 seconds
This chance is increased by:
15% for Critical Strikes
15% if the target is Stunned (CC), Immobilized (CC), or Knocked Back (CC)

Tags: Earth, Nature Magic Passive


Perfect Storm

Storm Skills that you cast grant 2 Spirit and deal 60%[x] increased damage when damaging a Vulnerable, Immobilized (CC) or Slowed (CC) enemy.

Tags: Storm, Nature Magic Passive

Items that work with Landslide

The following items either:

  • Grant a bonus when using Landslide
  • Create a condition Landslide can exploit
  • Exploit a condition Landslide creates

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Aftershock
Offensive Landslide's earth pillars each strike a second time and deal an additional 5.5 - 15.5% bonus damage per hit.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Druid
Aspect of Mending Stone
Defensive The duration of Earthen Bulwark is increased by 6 seconds. In addition, killing an enemy replenishes 35 - 264 of your active Earthen Bulwark's Barrier.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Sealed Archives
Dry Steppes Druid
Aspect of Natural Balance
Offensive Casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills 30 - 50% [x] Critical Strike Damage for 4 seconds.

Casting an Earth Skill increases the Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills by 8 - 13.3% [+] for 4 seconds.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Druid
Aspect of Quicksand
Utility Damage from Earth Skills Slow (CC) enemies hit by 20 - 60% for 5 seconds.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Ferals' Den
Scosglen Druid
Aspect of Retaliation
Offensive Your Core Skills deal up to 35 - 75% [x] increased damage based on your amount of Fortify..

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Seaside Descent
Dry Steppes Druid
Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast
Offensive The duration of Grizzly Rage is increased by 3 - 10 seconds. In addition, Critical Strikes while Grizzly Rage is active increase your Critical Strike Damage by 10% [x] for the duration, up to a maximum of 200% [x].

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Endless Gates
Hawezar Druid
Ballistic Aspect
Utility When you have Fortify your Earth Skills gain +2 Ranks.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
Whispering Pines
Scosglen Druid
Crashstone Aspect
Offensive Earth Skills deal 35 - 75% [x] more Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Scosglen Druid
Earthguard Aspect
Defensive Gain 10 - 30% bonus amount to your next Earthen Bulwark for each enemy you Crowd Control up to a maximum of 100%.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Shield, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Druid
Shepherd's Aspect
Offensive Companion Skills deal an additional 5 - 13% [x] damage per Companion you have.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
Bloodsoaked Crag
Dry Steppes Druid
Subterranean Aspect
Offensive Poison Creeper's active also casts Landslide in a circle around you. Earth Skills deal 15 - 35% increased damage to Poisoned enemies.

Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon (+100%), Ring, Amulet (+50%)
N/A Extraction Druid

* Extraction means the Legendary Aspect can be removed from any Legendary item at the Occultist. A dungeon name means the Aspect will be added to your Codex of Power as a reward after completing that dungeon.

Unique Items


Vasily's Prayer

"Roots from the Great Oak growing at the seaward statue of Vasily will, on rare occasions, be found twisted back upon themselves, suffused with ferocious magic." - Barrett's Book of Implements

Type: Unique Helm
Class: Druid

Description: Your Earth Skills are now also Werebear Skills and Fortify you for [2.0 - 5.0]% of your Maximum Health.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
    • +[3.1 - 7.3]% Willpower
    • +[3 - 4] to Defensive Posture
    • +[1,500 - 1,750] Armor

    Changes to Landslide

    There have been no changes to Landslide to date.