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Scroll of Tempering usage clarification

Don’t fancy the Dark Citadel? There’s other ways to get these new scrolls.

Tempering - Scroll of TemperingThe news that you can unbrick a bricked item with a Scroll of Tempering has been welcomed by the community and we have a couple more notes on this.

Adam Fletcher wanted to clarify exactly how these will work so here you go:

1) These are one time use and can’t be used more than once on any given item. 2) These will be available in the base game as well. 3) And yes this means you have a small chance of finding these as a drop in world outside of Dark Citadels.

If you don’t want to do the Dark Citadel there’s at least a chance to snag a Scroll of Tempering. What that drop rate will be is anyone’s guess but I suspect they will be rare. The fact that they are adding the Dark Citadel and highlighted that it’s the place to get these scrolls tells me they want to bring players together.

What do you think about this new scroll addition?

Further Gamescom Reading

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