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Watch the Vessel of Hatred Xbox Live Gamescom live stream

Tune in and get all the latest updates on Vessel of Hatred.

Xbox Diablo 4 Live Stream

Watch the Vessel of Hatred Xbox Live Gamescom live stream in just over an hour when the first day of the Xbox Live Gamescom coverage kicks off as we’re expecting more Vessel of Hatred news.

We’re assuming that Vessel of Hatred will be up first as it’s been given top billing on the Xbox social posts but we are not 100% sure about that. Based on having to sit through endless trailers last night they may put it near the end again. Let’s hope not. Still, there’s Starfield DLC news to enjoy and some STALKER 2 too. 

We’ll get a recap up as soon as we can, and fingers crossed there’s going to be more information on raids and leveling changes.

The live stream can be watched here:

Vessel of Hatred Xbox Live Gamescom live stream

Further Gamescom Reading

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