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Helltides are part of the Diablo 4 endgame.

This event is available in all World Tiers. In these events which rotate around the map zones, the monster difficulty is significantly increased and slain monsters can drop Cinders, a currency used to open Helltide Chests throughout the region.

  • The Helltide Tracker page will let you know when the next Helltide is due to begin.

While roaming Sanctuary on foot or atop your trusty steed, be aware of your surroundings, for you might find yourself caught in a Helltide. This is a new region-wide event that becomes available to heroes only once they have reached World Tier Three: Nightmare difficulty. In a Helltide, the servants of Lilith are empowered, having their difficulty increased, but dropping loot worthy of the danger. Her mightiest minions are also out in greater force, and the very ground of Sanctuary as you know it has been morphed by the surge in demonic activity.

As you cull the monstrosities inhabiting a Helltide, they’ll potentially drop Cinders, a new currency that can be spent to open Helltide Chests scattered throughout the respective region. These chests boast bountiful boons exclusive to a singular item slot, such as Torso, Legs, or Two-Handed Weapon. But be wary in hoarding your Cinders—should you fall in battle, they’ll drop and must be reclaimed.

Where are Helltides?

Helltides appear randomly in the open world and are indicated by zones on the map turning a red hue along with the sky in the zone. A Helltide icon will also appear on the map.

As of Season 4, Helltides spawn in all World Tiers.

World Tier 1 and 2 Helltides

World Tier 1 and 2 Helltides differ in that all Tortured Gift Chests are Mystery Chests. There are no roaming bosses or ambient meteors and there is a reduced monster density.

How long do Helltides Last?

A Helltide will typically last for 55 minutes.

When do they Reset?

Helltides are 55 minutes long, and when the Helltide completes, there is a gap of 5 minutes until the next Helltide will spawn.

Helltide Threat


A Helltide threat meter was added in Season 4. As you battle through the Helltide you generate Threat. How much Threat depends on the monster difficulty and how often you secure Tortured Gifts inside the Helltide.

If you die, the Threat Meter is reset.

There are three Tiers of Helltide Threat, the higher the Threat the more ambushes appear and once you reach Tier 3, you become Hell Marked and a Hellborne will spawn.


Once Hell Marked with the maximum Threat, this initiates a brief ambush of maximum enemy density. This ends when a final Hellborne spawn.

There are five variants of Hellborne, each representing each Class in Diablo 4.

When this ambush is activated, the Threat is also reset and the Threat Meter will decrease as you kill the enemy.

Accursed Ritual Site in a Helltide
Accursed Ritual Site in a Helltide

Accursed Ritual - Blood Maiden

Added in Season 4, the Accursed Ritual is a shared event inside the Helltide. which was based on the Season 2 Blood Harvest.

Baneful Heart
Baneful Heart

Players need to collect Baneful Hearts from Tortured Gift chests which are used at the Accursed Ritual site in the Helltide.

At the site, there are three pedestals and a Baneful Heart must be placed on each pedestal (3 in total required).

Once deposited, players are swarmed by a demonic ambush and other players in the zone are alerted to the ritual activation and can join in the fight.

The ambush concludes with the arrival of the Blood Maiden who must be slain for a reward.

Loot quality for players who use a Bandful Heart to summon the Blood Maiden is better than those who do not contribute.

Obtaining Baneful Hearts

  • Baneful Hearts will be obtained from Tortured Gift chests by depositing at least 75 Aberrant Cinders.
  • Dropped by Hellborne Demons.
  • Dropped by Doomsayers.

Helltide Chest Rewards

Each chest that can be opened with Cinders indicates what type of loot will be inside before opening. These include the following:

  • Tortured Gift of Weaponry (Light or Heavy) - Requires 150 cinders
  • Tortured Gift of Protection (Helms, Chest Armor, Handguards, Leg guards, Boots) - Requires 125 cinders
  • Tortured Gift of Jewelry (Amulets or Rings) - Requires 125 cinders
  • Tortured Gift of Mystery (Uniques, Legendary items, Fiend Rose, Forgotten Soul, Living Steel, gold) - Requires 250 cinders and could contain unique items. Note, it is invisible on the map until you get close to it.
  • Tortured Gift of Living Steel (Fiend Rose, Forgotten Soul, Elixirs, Living Steel (x5).

World Tiers 1 and 2 Chest Differences

All Tortured Gift are Mystery Chests (Cost 100 Cinders).

Mystery Chest Locations
Mystery Chest Locations

Why can't I see Tortured Gift of Mysteries on the map?

These special chests only appear on the map when the player gets close to them. However, all the possible locations are known and can be found on the Diablo 4 Interactive map. If you zoom into the map, you can also see the chests.

Monster Density

Helltides have always been frantic but in Season 4, more ambushes were added as well as dynamic monster spawning.

Why Attempt Helltides?

Helltides are a great way to find specific loot types as all chests, apart from the Tortured Gift of Mysteries, give you a rough indication of what's inside.

In Season 4, Helltides have become one of the most efficient ways to level-up and players should run these not only to get the materials but also for the XP gains.

Helltide Tips

  • Take part in events inside the Helltide zones to get more Cinders
  • Plan your route to the chests you want to open before the timer runs out.
  • Stay alive and you won't lose half your Cinders
  • The Fiend Rose crafting material can only be found in Helltide events.

Profane Mindcage
Profane Mindcage

Profane Mindcage Elixir - Season 4 Only

In Season 4, a new elixir was added called a Profane Mindcage. This elixir, when consumed, increases the level of Helltide monsters by 10 and boosts Cinder drop rates.

These are guaranteed to drop after killing Hellborne. Players see diminishing returns on boosted Monster levels closer to level cap keep progressing in World Tiers to retain the same benefit from the elixir

Tips by OhItsZie on PureDiablo Discord

Tip 1

if you are just starting out in World Tier 4, it's a good idea to farm your cinders in Word Tier 3 for the first half hour to 40 minutes, then move to World Tier 4 to open the chests. The cinders carry over to World Tier 4.

Alternatively if you're worried about dying while carrying too many cinders, you can collect enough then go to World Tier 4 to claim and back to Word Tier 3 to farm more, although that will take up quite a bit of your time moving back and forth during the limited amount of time you have during the Helltides.

Note that you'll get a little less xp compared to World Tier 4 gains, but survivability and quick clears for better gear farming is key.

Tip 2

Another tip for Helltides on to get cinders quickly is by doing the world events but partially ignoring the objectives

For example: collect the souls for the jar of souls world event. The mobs will continue to spawn over and over as long as the souls are not collected. Kill as many mobs as you can without collecting the souls after the kills, hence more mobs = more cinder drops. After which, when you're seconds away to run out of time. Collect all the souls and fulfill the objective to gain the mastery.

Kill the elite that spawns = get cinders then open the chest for more cinders.

This can be done for a few different world events such as "Blood is the Key" event where you have to kill mobs near the 3 towers.

Feed 2 towers and leave 1 standing while killing the mobs outside the circle until the timer is near finish. Same concept as the one I explained above.

The only challenge you will face when doing the world events this way is if random people come and start completing the objective ahead of time if they don't know how this mechanic works.. Doing this method over and over, ding donging between world events during Helltides can easily get you almost 800-1000 cinders or more considering how fast your kill speed is.

Endgame Video Explainer

Changes to Helltide

Patch 1.3.0, January 23, 2024

  • Helltide will now be active every hour on the hour, with a 5-minute gap in between. Helltide will be active 55 minutes of every hour.

Patch 1.1.1, August 8, 2023

  • We are increasing monster density in Nightmare Dungeons and in Helltide.

Patch 1.1.0a, July 18, 2023

  • Helltide monsters are now 3 Levels higher than the player instead of 2.
  • The Tortured Gift of Mysteries chest has had its cost increased to 250 Aberrant Cinders from 175.
  • All interactable objects in Helltide zones now have a small chance of dropping Aberrant Cinders.