Blizzard has released a load of Gamescom 2024 Diablo 4 Shots to coincide with reveals and there’s a lot to digest and perhaps not everything seen in the shots has been explained by Blizzard.
The updates yesterday filled in a lot of gaps with The Dark Citadel and Mercenaries but the shots also raise a few questions on things we do not yet know. These could be specifically tied to the changes we’ll hear more about on 29 August on progression and Paragon board updates.
Numerous things have stood out such as what appears to be a gem tab in the inventory and a blue diamond with numeric values under the character levels indicating the progression changes. Take a look and let us know what you think.
Gamescom 2024 Diablo 4 Shots
If you missed any of the reveals yesterday, check out these other articles on PureDiablo.
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