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Patch 2.0 PTR confirmed as happening

Looks like we’re going to get a taste of some of the new game systems.

Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 PTR confirmed

This came a little out the blue but it’s an exciting prospect. There will be a Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 PTR.

Blizzard had not confirmed it, and we were not expecting it, but we are going to get a taste of what’s to come in the Vessel of Hatred with a 2.0 PTR as confirmed this afternoon.

Exactly what will be included remains to be seen but on the 29th during the next developer chat on progression and the Paragon system, we will hear more about this 2.0 PTR. We do know It will include some of the updated game systems they will be talking about and not full Vessel of Hatred content such as zones and the Spiritborn. We’ll have to wait to see what they have lined up.

I guess we forgot to mention this … but this is a livestream to also talk about our next PTR for Patch 2.0!

To clarify this, it will focus on Season 6 and game systems according to this update:

To clarify, there will be a PTR for Season 6, this will not be for VoH content, but rather permanent features coming to the base game.

But they said no Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 PTR

Previously in Jen’s interview on Window Central with Brent Gibson, they had stated that a 2.0 or expansion beta was off the table. Not having a beta test for a Diablo expansion is pretty unusual.

“In this case, we’re not going to be doing a PTR for the expansion content specifically. We feel that PTRs are terribly important. And we’re going to continue to do them. But when it comes to the expansion content, as we’re developing it, we are going to keep that just a little closer to our chest.

Next Thursday’s dev chat will be a big one and it’s not to be missed. A lot is changing, and coupled with Season 6 info, as well as PTR news, it could be a long one.

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