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Diablo 4 at Tucson Comic-Con 2024

See you at Tucson Comic-Con for more Diablo 4 indulgence!

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Tucson Comic-Con is a pop culture celebration on Labor Day weekend from August 30th to September 1st at the Tucson Convention Center, and Diablo 4 content will be a part of the Fandom panels schedule again this year. Please join me and follow along as we relive the epic saga leading up to the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Our journey will begin with the original Sapphire Soulstone being entrusted to the Zakarum church for safekeeping, and will continue all the way to Neyrelle’s arrival at the River Gate in Nahantu. I will also be on-site the entire weekend to meet up with you and talk about anything and everything related to Diablo gaming.

Tucson Comic Con SlideshowPanel Presentation

Diablo Gaming: Vessel of Hatred Lore
Friday August 30, 2024 – 5:20 pm to 6:10 pm – Room 102

Mephisto’s essence was recaptured in the Sapphire Soulstone by Neyrelle as she endeavored to thwart Lilith’s scheme to claim dominion over all of Creation. The Vessel of Hatred Expansion will pick up where the Diablo IV main campaign left off. Follow along with our heroine as she searches for the means to avert the second coming of the Prime Evils into Sanctuary.

See You There!

You’ll definitely want to join your fellow Diablo fans as we indulge ourselves in more Diablo 4 content at Tucson Comic-Con. Please feel free to contact me on Twitter if you have any questions or need more information about attending the convention.

Gazerrick ArmsGazerrick is a staff writer for PureDiablo who focuses primarily on casual gaming interests and lore for the Diablo community. When not hacking and slashing his way through a new Season, he can be found participating in, and presenting at, various pop culture conventions in southern Arizona. You can follow him on Twitter @Gazerrick9000 for even more of his gaming indulgences. A collection of his creative media is also available at Cactus Palm Perspectives.

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