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Diablo 4 Lunar Awakening event is back next week

Start tapping those Shrines next week.

The Chinese New Year is upon us which means the Diablo 4 Lunar Awakening event will be getting underway.

The event runs from February 4 (10AM) until February 18 (10AM) and once again players will have the opportunity to dash around tapping and cleansing Lunar Shrines. These Shrines appear where you would find a normal shrine but add additional effects.

Lunar Awakening Event Shrine Effects

ShrineRegular EffectAdditional Lunar Effect
Artillery ShrineYour attack speed is increased and all attacks summon holy arrows.Casts have a chance to summon a holy bomb.
Blast Wave ShrineYou periodically explode, damaging enemies around you.Each explosion summons a cluster bombardment.
Channeling ShrineYour skills cost no resource and have reduced cooldown.Increased attack speed and chance to reset cooldowns.
Conduit ShrineYou can shock and surge through enemies.Summon frequent, powerful, shocking strikes.
Greed ShrineEnemies drop more Gold when hit.Chance to summon a Treasure Goblin. While the Shrine is active, 25 kills summons a Treasure Goblin, and 50 kills summons a second.
Lethal ShrineAll of skills deal more damage and Critically Strike.Chance to instantly execute a struck monster, causing Fear on surrounding monsters. Note: this includes Elites, but excludes Bosses and other Players.
Protection ShrineYou are Invulnerable and Unstoppable.You reflect all incoming damage. Damage reflected scales with Level and World Tier.


Loads of Rewards

Increase your Ancestral Favor to unlock Lunar-themes rewards. There are ten Ancestral Favor Reputation Levels with rewards such as Resplendent Sparks, and 6 different Lunar-themed cosmetic rewards, including the new Trag’Oul’s Consort mount. Rewards from the previous Lunar Awakening event are going to be available again. Simply head to Ked Bardu and visit Ying-Yue to get started.

Lunar Awakening 2025

For more on the Lunar Awakening event, check out our Lunar Awakening guide.

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