Diablo 1, where it all started when I was in the 9th grade. I remember my dad buying the game and I played it after wrestling practice each night. I vividly remember using a flail against Lazarus and not hitting anything. It was the most damaging weapon I had at the time. I finally found a Meteoric Axe of Something. That provided me enough of a chance to hit. Finally, I could now slay the Blood Knights and ultimately Diablo.
After years, Diablo finally arrived on Xbox PC Game Pass and I bet quite a few people are diving into it for the first time. I’ve recently waded back into Diablo myself, as I really enjoyed the game’s pace and atmosphere, so let us, “Stay a while and listen” as I go over a few basics of the original game in this amazing Diablo franchise.

Classes Available
The biggest differences between classes in Diablo 1 is attack speed, hit recovery, block recovery, and casting animations. These greatly impact a class’s ability to use weapons or spells better than the other classes. Additionally, each class has maximum points they can put into each stat.
The Warrior
Maces deal extra damage to undead (less to Animals), Swords to animals (less to Undead), and Axes are great all-rounders. Find something that puts your to-hit around 110-120 in Normal and you’ll be fine hitting big Diablo and the Blood Knights on level 16. Focus on Health and Armor as well.
The Rogue
Bows are great, though a sword and shield is doable. They are great at hit-and-run tactics. Use Firewall to help keep enemies off you. Mana Shield is also great and focus on mana over life if going that route.
The Sorcerer
Spells are your friend. Holy Bolt will kill Diablo, so get it to a nice level. Lightning, Chain Lightning, and I recently read high-level charged bolts are great as well. Along with the ever-mighty Fireball.
The Monk
Monk is nice as his staff hits multiple targets and he gains defense at each level if in non-mail or plate armor. Ineffective with other weapons and decent with spells.
Points to note on Items
Please note, that your equipped items fall to the ground when you die in a multiplayer game, requiring a corpse run.
Griswold sells 6 items and 15 in Hellfire that are magical. Wirt has one item which can be seen for 50 gold and is a trek. I’d avoid him for the most part until late game or trying to hit high levels. His inventory refreshes some on level-up.
Items have requirements of either Strength, Dexterity, or Magic. The highest Strength requirement is 90 (Full Plate Mail), Dexterity 80 (Long War Bow), and Magic is 255 for all books. Find what fits your playstyle and go for it, noting that to-hit is a great indicator of damage as well.
Spells tips
Books refresh at Adria on entering town, so farm them up, and she also sells magic-based staves.
Spells are not bound to any class, and the Sorcerer has the best casting speed, though you’re only limited to spell level by Magic. Each skill can go up to Level 15. Stone Curse deserves a mention as it briefly turns any monster but Diablo to stone for a set period that you can now easily kill.
Hellfire: Adds a fair number of spells, Reflection is a great spell to use on melee characters! Another notable is Lightning Wall.
Notable Monsters
Butcher is on Level 2 in the Cathedral, and you can stair-trap him and attack at range. A defense of around 20 and character level 8 is good for melee.
Skeleton King is on level 3 and is a beast. Try to be level 10 or unless you have a staff of Holy Bolt and kill him that way. Hits like a truck.
Lazarus and his two witches on Level 15: Kill these to gain access to level 16.
Diablo has knockback and packs a punch, though Holy Bolt kills him rather effectively. Note on level 16 you don’t drop items on death in that level.
My Recent Playthrough
I always play multiplayer, though it is not available in Hellfire without the use of mods. This allows me to run areas like in other Diablo games as single player information is saved upon exit.
HoboSlob started his journey as a lowly sorcerer wading to Tristram after he heard of this great evil that befell the time. Summoning his courage, he took to the Cathedral. He found books. I also leveled up while I journeyed through the Cathedral and found my way in the Catacombs ( you can freely enter at level 8 in multiplayer). I spent a large amount of time attempting to find a good ring or amulet in the Catacombs, at level 15 I gave up not finding any jewelry after a couple runs.
My spells were Firebolt, Healing, Lightning, and Holy Bolt at this time (F5-F8) wielding minimal equipment other than Helm of Absorption (-3 Damage from Enemies) and a Wisdom’s Wrap (Unique Robe) providing me an additional -1 Damage from Enemies. Staves were basic and jewelry nowhere to be found.
Finally wading into the caves from 15 until 21 or so I managed to find a few items a Crystal Axe, Ring of Precision, and Amulet of Precision. I was doing a bit better and found Chain Lightning and a Staff of Guardian (Hydra basically).
I braved Hell. I found an Amulet of Sorcery with my big drop coming from one of Lazurus’s ladies, an Obsidian Crown of Vigor which I only wanted the Obsidian part as I was using Mana Shield.
Diablo finally succumbed to my Holy Bolts.
Still a Classic
It may look dated now but Diablo is where it all began and it’s just as enjoyable to playthrough again now as it was back in the day. There are plenty of Diablo players that may have never bothered with the first game but I urge anyone who hasn’t played it to give it a go. Just don’t expect the gameplay speed you may be used to with Diablo 3 of 4. This is a different beast, but a thoroughly enjoyable beast.
Further Reading
We have some of the best Diablo 1 guides ever created right here on PureDiablo so if you need more help, check them out.
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