Since the Diablo 4 beta concluded we’ve seen a lot more requests for more details on the Diablo lore. Now you can get some lore reading done ahead of the game’s launch thanks to this Legends and Lore Humble Bundle.
The Blizard Legend and Lore collection on Humble Bundle should set you up nicely as it includes the Sin War Trilogy, The Order, The Kingdom of Shadow, and The Black Road.
If you’ve been listening to or watching the podcasts/vidcasts then you’ll probably know that the Sin War Trilogy is a little rough around the edges but is still an important read for Diablo lore buffs.
The Bundle is a pay-what-you-want deal so you decide what it’s worth to you. Definitely worth a purchase and also get lore books for all the inferior games such as StarCraft and World of Warcraft 😉
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