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Infernal Hordes

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The Infernal Hordes is a wave-based gameplay mode with survivor-like choices to be made between waves, culminating in a new boss encounter and rewards. It takes place in Hell and becomes available in World Tier 3 on both the Seasonal and Eternal realm where it will remain after Season 5 ends.

Infernal Compass
Infernal Compass

This content was available on the Diablo 4 PTR which began on Tuesday 25th June and ended on Tuesday 2nd July.

How to Get to The Infernal Hordes

Once the Questline is complete you will have unlocked access for your entire account to the Infernal Hordes in Hell but you will first need The Infernal Hordes Compass which works the same way a Dungeon Sigil does for Nightmare Dungeons.

These can be found by:

You'll get your first Infernal Hordes Compass as a reward for completing the The Eyes of the Enemy Questline in Zarbinzet.

You right-click on the Compass in your inventory and the map will pop up with the location of the Infernal Hordes highlighted and you click to teleport directly to The Abyssal Verge.

Infernal Hordes entrance
Infernal Hordes entrance

Infernal Compasses can be used at the following levels and World Tiers:

  • Tier I
    • Available at World Tier 3
  • Tier II
    • Requires World Tier 4
    • Includes Bonus Affixes which increase crafting materials, and Legendary and Unique Drop rates!
  • Tier III
    • Available at Level 100
    • Includes Bonus Affixes
    • Includes Spoil of Greater Equipment

Upgrading an Infernal Compass

There are 8 Tiers of Infernal Compasses, which scale in difficulty and World Tier. Each Tier increases the number of waves starting at six for Tiers 1 - 3, increasing until a maximum of 10 waves with a Tier 8 Infernal Compass. It also increases the starting difficulty of Monsters, and increases the potency of your rewards while decreasing your number of revives.

Tiers 9 and 10 will be introduced mid way through Season 5.

There are two ways to upgrade your Compasses to a higher tier the easiest being to salvage them at the Occultist into Sigil Dust and craft higher tier ones. As Nightmare Dungeon Sigils also break down into Sigil Dust this gives you even more opportunities to collect materials.

Crafting Costs of Infernal Compasses at the Occultist
Tier 1 125 x Sigil Powder
3 x Forgotten Soul
19,000 Gold
Tier 2 190 x Sigil Powder
5 x Forgotten Soul
22,000 Gold
Tier 3 275 x Sigil Powder
73 x Forgotten Soul
26,000 Gold
Tier 4 350 x Sigil Powder
9 x Forgotten Soul
30,000 Gold
Tier 5 375 x Sigil Powder
11 x Forgotten Soul
35,000 Gold
Tier 6 400 x Sigil Powder
13 x Forgotten Soul
40,000 Gold
Tier 7 425 x Sigil Powder
15 x Forgotten Soul
45,000 Gold
Tier 8 450 x Sigil Powder
17 x Forgotten Soul
50,000 Gold
Tier 9 Not yet in the game. Tier 10 Not yet in the game.

The other way is to collect Abyssal Scrolls which can be found and salvaged and used to upgrade your Infernal Compass by upgrading their Tier. Infernal Compasses will only drop at Tiers I-III; Abyssal Scrolls will be needed to increase their level to a Max of Tier VIII.

To upgrade an Infernal Compass right-click on the Abyssal Scroll in your Consumables tab and then left-click on the Compass you wish to upgrade.

Upgrading an Infernal Compass
Upgrading a Compass - The Infernal Hordes Diablol 4

How to get Abyssal Scrolls

At the Blacksmith you can:

  • Salvage a Tier 1-3 Infernal Hordes Compass grants an Abyssal Scroll.
  • Salvage Tier 4+ Infernal Hordes Compasses grants 1 extra Abyssal Scroll per Tier. (i.e. 6 Scrolls for Salvaging a Tier 8)

Abyssal Scrolls can be traded with other players.

Fighting The Infernal Hordes

Once you have teleported to The Abyssal Verge you begin fighting 60 seconds waves of monsters. Once the monsters from that wave are vanquished you must decide between 3 Infernal Offers each offering a Boon and a Bane. As the name suggests these make the fight a little more difficult but also sweeten it with rewards or boosts.

Infernal Hordes selecting an Infernal Offer
Selecting an Infernal Offer
Infernal Hordes Boons and Banes Infernal Offers
Boons and Banes you have activated

Infernal Offering

You must select one Infernal Offering and this will modify the next wave you face. You will get to choose up to 9 Offerings in total depending on what Teir dungeon you are on and the previous Offerings stay active throughout the waves, simply stacking the effects and increasing the challenge. Open your map to see which Offerings you have already activated.

All of the Infernal Offers are listed below.

Infernal Offer Bane Boon
Aether Rush Normal monster damage +25% Gathering Aether increases movement speed (8s)
Burning Hellborne Hellfire now spawns Hellborne Hellborne drop 2 additional Aether
Burning Rain Hellfire rains upon you At the end of each wave spawn 1-3 Aether
Bursting Masses Masses deal unavoidable damage Waves start, spawn an Aetheric Mass
Corrupting Spires Soulspires empower nearby foes Soulspires pull foes inward
Draining Spires Soulspires drain Life from players in range Soulspires grant 2 additional Aether
Exalted Elite Elite damage +25% Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether
Exalted Hordes Normal monsters damage +25% Killing them spawns Aether Events +50% faster
Exalted Masses Aetheric Mass damage +25% Aetheric Mass grants +2 Aether
Gorging Masses Slaying Aetheric Mass slows you (8s) While slowed this way, you have unlimited resources
Summoned Hellborne Hellborn are hunting you Hellborn grant +2 Aether
Bursting Fiends Elite damage +25% Aether Fiends explode and damage foes
Exalted Hellborn Hellborn damage +25% Hellborn grant +2 Aether
Insatiable Spires Soulspires require 2x kills Soulspires grant 2x Aether
Invigorating Hellborn Hellborn damage +25% Slaying Hellborn invigorates you
Summoned Lords Aether Lords now spawn They grant +3 Aether
Surging Elites Chance for Elite to spawn is doubled Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether
Teeming Masses Masses spawn an Aether Lord on death Aether Lords grant +3 Aether
Unstoppable Elites Elites are Unstoppable Aether Fiends grant +2 Aether
Enfeebled Wanderer Potion Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds Defeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
Exalted Council Fell Council damage +50% Defeating them grants +15 Aether
Exhausted Wanderer Evade Cooldown is increased by 2 seconds Defeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
Withered Wanderer -10% All Resistances Defeating Fell Council grants +15 Aether
Stalking Devil An Infernal Demon has your scent Slay it to gain +25 Aether

Anyone in a group can select an Infernal Offering, it doesn't matter who activated the Compass to go to The Abyssal Verge.

The Well of Hatred

Once the waves are vanquished you can progress to The Well of Hatred, the arena where you will face three of the five members of the Fell Council.

Originally meant to protect us from the Prime Evil Mephisto during the events in Diablo II, these noble priests were corrupted and became Champions of the very demon they swore to oppose.

As each one of the three dies the remaining members grow more powerful. They all have unique abilities and it's random which three you will face.

Members of the Fell Council
Fell Council member - Maffer the Cruel
Maffer the Cruel - Physical Damage with charges and Bone Prison
Fell Council member - Bremm the Maelstrom
Bremm the Maelstrom - Lightning Damage (AOE) and Lightning Hydras.
Fell Council member - Wyand the Shadow
Wyand the Shadow - Shadow Damage. Summons Hydras and Teleports
Fell Council member - Geleb the Flame
Geleb the Flame - Fire Damage with Fire Bolts and Waves. Summons Fire Hydras and Meteors.
Fell Council member -Ismail the Accursed
Ismail the Accursed - Summons Hydras and Claws of Ishmail

Burning Aether

As you fight the waves in The Abyssal Verge and the Fell Council in The Well of Hatred Burning afterwards Burning Aether will drop. You can exchange these for loot and gold at the end of the fight.

The Rewards

There is no loot or gold dropped during the waves. After each wave, a small pile of gold, gems, and materials will drop.

After the final fight with the Council, three or four chests will appear which you can exchange Burning Aether to open:

  • Spoils of Materials costs 20 Aether - Gems, Veiled Crystals, Abyssal Scrolls, Masterworking Materials
  • Spoils of Equipment costs 20 Aether - Legendary, Unique or Mythic items.
  • Spoils of Greater Equipment costs 60 Aether - Legendary, Unique or Mythic items. A guaranteed item with a Greater Affix.
  • Spoils of Gold exchange all remaining Aether - Gold

Certain Unique Items can be target farmed in from the Spoils of Equipment chests in the Infernal Hordes, detailed below.

Unique Item Class Type
Crown of Lucion All Classes Helm
Endurant Faith All Classes Gloves
Locran's Talisman All Classes Amulet
Rakanoth's Wake All Classes Boots
Shard of Verathiel All Classes 1H Sword
The Basilisk Druid Staff
The Third Blade Barbarian 1H Sword
The Mortacrux Necromancer Dagger
The Umbracrux Rogue Dagger
Vox Omnium Sorcerer Staff

+ Expand to see the details of Uniques you can farm in the Infernal Hordes.

Crown of Lucion

The prince of Hatred, fair as maggots over carrion. He claims no throne, crafts no realms, reigning over only a blackened, bitter heart. Some legends name him banished, while others dread his return.

Type: Unique Helm
Class: All Classes

Description: Each time you use a Skill with a Resource Cost, gain [5 - 15]%[x] increased damage and Resource Cost is increased by 30%[+] for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
    • [6.0 - 8.0]% Cooldown Reduction
    • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Lucky Hit Chance
    • +[32.0 - 40.0]% Shadow Resistance

    Endurant Faith

    Despite the Light's blessings, countless Knights Penitent were hewn apart by the infernal hordes. Remnants of their steel lie scattered through the Hells – dwindling lights in the chaos.

    Type: Unique Gloves
    Class: All Classes

    Description: When you would be damaged for at least 40% of your Maximum Life at once, it is instead distributed over the next 3 seconds and reduced by [10 - 30]%[x].

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
      • +[6.0 - 8.0]% Lucky Hit Chance
      • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Healing Received
      • +[28 - 42] All Stats

      Locran's Talisman

      A single petal of the Mother's own blood, slowly wilting under glass.

      Type: Unique Amulet
      Class: All Classes

      Description: Your skills gain a [0.10 - 0.40]%[+] Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource you have, up to [10 - 40]%[+]. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 0.2%[x] Critical Strike Damage instead.

      • +25.0% Resistance to All Elements

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[8.0 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
      • +[2.0 - 3.0]% All Stats
      • +[88.0 - 115.0]% Critical Strike Damage
      • +[5 - 13] Maximum Resource

      Rakanoth's Wake

      Tread carefully on the plains of Hell, for each step sunders the soul and shatters the mind.

      Type: Unique Boots
      Class: All Classes

      Description: When you cast a Skill with a Cooldown, you explode, dealing [150 - 450] Fire damage.

      • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[12.5 - 18.0]% Movement Speed
      • [6.0 - 8.0]% Cooldown Reduction
      • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Resistance to All Elements
      • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Non-Physical Damage

      Shard of Verathiel

      This blade once bore divine purpose wielded by the angel Verathiel. Like its keeper, the sword fell to Infernal depths. Yet beneath this corruption, is a heartbeat of a past memory, holding steadfast.

      Type: Unique Sword
      Class: All Classes

      Description: Basic Skills deal [100 - 300]%[x] increased damage but additionally cost 25 Primary Resource.

      • +17.5% Critical Strike Damage

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[28 - 42] All Stats
      • +[1 - 2] to Basic Skills
      • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Basic Attack Speed
      • +[5 - 13] Maximum Resource

      The Basilisk

      "Well did she feed her children, and well did her children feed her." -Scosglen folktale

      Type: Unique Staff
      Class: Druid

      Description: When you hit a Healthy enemy with an Earth Skill, Petrify them for 3 seconds. Against Bosses, this can occur once every 5 seconds instead.

      Petrifying an enemy additionally deals [450 - 1,350] Physical damage.

      • +130.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Earth Attack Speed
      • +[80.0 - 100.0]% Critical Strike Damage
      • +[125.0 - 170.0]% Physical Damage
      • +[21.0 - 30.0]% Critical Strike Chance Against Stunned (CC) Enemies

      The Mortacrux

      One of a pair of twin daggers, forbidden from ever meeting. Nearby corpses shudder in its presence.

      Type: Unique Dagger
      Class: Necromancer

      Description: When consuming a Corpse, there is a [20 - 40]% chance to also create a decaying Skeletal Simulacrum that seeks enemies but cannot attack. When it dies, it explodes for 450 Shadow damage. This effect is treated as a Macabre Skill.

      • +50.0% Damage

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[126 - 180] Intelligence
      • +[98.0 - 125.0]% Critical Strike Damage
      • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Vulnerable Damage
      • +[3 - 5] to Hewed Flesh

      The Third Blade

      "Restraint, mercy, honor...these are shackles, forged by the weak and the conquered." -Hephasto, the Armorer

      Type: Unique Sword
      Class: Barbarian

      Description: Your Weapon Mastery Skills are now also Core Skills that have no Cooldowns but cost Fury, dealing [50 - 70]% of normal damage. Their Fury costs are reduced by 5 for any additional Charges the Skill would have had.

      • +65.0% Damage to Close Enemies

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)

      The Umbracrux

      One of a pair of twin daggers, forbidden from ever meeting. Bitter voices whisper from the blade.

      Type: Unique Dagger
      Class: Rogue

      Description: Your Subterfuge Skills create an attackable Shade Totem for [3.0 - 8.0] seconds. Any damage it takes is replicated onto surrounding enemies at 20% effectiveness. You may only have 1 Shade Totem active at a time. This damage counts as a Trap skill.

      • +50.0% Damage

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[76 - 90] Dexterity
      • +[30.0 - 40.0]% Vulnerable Damage
      • [7.0 - 9.0]% Subterfuge Cooldown Reduction
      • +[2 - 3] to Innervation

      Vox Omnium

      Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them.

      Type: Ancestral Unique Staff
      Class: Sorcerer

      Description: Casting a Sorcerer_Skill_Tree#Core|Core Skill additionally fires 2 instances of Fire Bolt, Frost Bolt, or Spark, matching the elements of your last 2 non-Core Skill casts. These projectiles deal [30 - 90]%[x] increased damage.

      • +35.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies

      Affixes: (Item Power 925)
      • +[38.0 - 52.0]% Non-Physical Damage
      • +[2 - 4] to Basic Skills
      • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Core Attack Speed
      • +[6.2 - 14.6]% Intelligence

      The chests can be opened multiple times, as long as you have enough Aether.

      There is also a Stash nearby.

      Spending Burning Aether
      Spoils of Materials and Equipment chests - The Infernal Hordes Diablol 4


      Farming the Infernal Hordes can be one of the most effective ways to obtain crafting materials, and when you upgrade a compass to Tier 7+, it's extremely lucrative. Rob explains how this can work for you in this video.

      Changes to Infernal Hordes

      Patch 1.5.0, August 6, 2024

      • Added to the game.