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Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Marketplace opens with new features

PureDiablo’s new trading marketplace is now ready for your gear. Find out what’s new.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Marketplace opens with new features

The team and community here at PureDiablo has been trading Diablo 2 items for decades and we decided it was time to get the new trading system up and running for Diablo 2 Resurrected.

New Prefix and Filter System

With the release of the remaster last Thursday, we have just launched a new Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Marketplace but this time with some extra features making the system more intuitive and easier to use.  Previously in our old systems, anyone posting a trade would have to type all the abbreviations into the title. We’ve done away with that this time by adding selectable prefixes when you start a trade. For example:

  • Americas
  • Europe
  • NL – Non-Ladder
  • SC – Softcore
  • HC – Hardcore
  • FT – For Trade
  • FS – For sale
  • ISO – In Search of

trading filters

You can select combinations of all of the above when posting.  These prefixes also act as filters and you can filter the Marketplace by clicking any prefix or selecting the new filters option at the top of the Marketplace.


Having trustworthy traders using the Trading Marketplace is of paramount importance at PureDiablo. To make sure everyone is playing by the rules, a feedback system is in place for buyers and sellers.


Each trader has their own trade profile which shows their trades and also their ranking based on feedback from previous trades. Traders can also view a trade history to make sure that person is trustworthy.


The Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Marketplace is open

There are numerous helpful threads if you are new to trading…

We’ve always strived to create a safe trading environment that’s RMT free and we hope you’ll try the new systems out when it’s time to trade your tasty gear. As always, we continue to tweak things based on the community’s feedback so if there’s anything you would like to see added then do let us know.

Update: The Trading Marketplace can now be easily reached via making it easier to remember and share.

Happy trading everyone!

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