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Torment Difficulty Scaling Graphs and Charts

The huge leap in monster hit points on T7+, and especially in T10, is obvious when you play or look at the actual figures. In a nutshell, when you go up to T10 the monsters don’t gain that much in exp value or gold find value, and they don’t do much more damage, but their … Read more

The huge leap in monster hit points on T7+, and especially in T10, is obvious when you play or look at the actual figures. In a nutshell, when you go up to T10 the monsters don’t gain that much in exp value or gold find value, and they don’t do much more damage, but their hit points skyrocket.

This is made very clear by a useful line graphic:

Monster gains in hit points, damage, EXP, and gold.
Monster gains in hit points, damage, EXP, and gold.

Steep line is steep. In a way, playing on T10 is kind of silly, since the rewards increase so little compared to the monster hit points. (Unless you’re geared enough to kill with speed, in which case you might as well.) On the other hand, the monster damage doesn’t increase very much either, so you don’t need to raise your toughness anywhere near as much as your DPS. (Though consider that Elites living 3-5x longer have that much more time to put a hurt on you.)

While we know the exactly values for things like exp and gold find, and know that they don’t increase by much on T7-T10, we don’t know official figures for how drop rates are boosted. Most players feel that it’s a considerable increase, especially if you’re doing Rifts on [wiki]T10[/wiki]. How about the other increases, though? How much more likely are you to find things like [wiki]Death’s Breaths[/wiki], [wiki]Greater Rift keys[/wiki], [wiki]Infernal Machines[/wiki] and [wiki]Demonic Organs[/wiki]? Tabulating/estimating those is a common exercise and we took a stab at it during the PTR, then updated the info recently. At the time I meant to create a big chart with all the values, but never found the time… thankfully, someone else stepped up.


This chart shows the precise figures where we know them, and puts in consensus estimates for other things, with “?” where there’s not enough data to even make a reasonable guess. (Someone needs to do some more testing on sub-T6, obviously.) It would be great if Blizzard released the official figures so we’d know for sure, but they seem to like some ambiguity and “play it by feel” aspects left in the game (DPS calculator, anyone?) so probably they enjoy players only able to guesstimate the frequency for double DBs on T9, legs from Rift Guardians, etc.

Click through for a couple of more charts showing how monster rewards increase up to T10, and why it’s foolish to play that difficulty unless you’ve geared up to the point that your damage makes it a smooth ride.

Torment Difficulty Scaling Graphs and Charts:

Update: Bonus chart from Frostlion showing how all the values change between Torment levels.
