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Skills System Explained

Wondering how the skills system works in Diablo 4? Elly walks you through it in this explainer.

Elly is back with a new video that takes a closer look a the Diablo 4 skills system.

The skill trees may look daunting but they are really quite simple. Elly points out what you should be aware of when adding points, where those points are coming from, and some of the new features Blizzard has added in Diablo 4.

This video is a no-nonsense explainer and cuts right to the chase which is the goal of all the videos in this series.

Watch the Diablo 4 Skills System Explained video

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, please consider subscribing to our Youtube channel. All previous videos in this series can be found on the channel and on their respective Diablo 4 Wiki pages.

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