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Diablo 4 short stories released

If you’re looking for some reading material over the weekend, and you’ve already finished the Book of Lorath, check out these two Diablo 4 short stories.  

If you’re looking for some reading material over the weekend, and you’ve already finished the Book of Lorath, check out these two Diablo 4 short stories.

Sanctuary is a volatile place—danger lurks at every turn and Lilith’s reappearance has ushered in a new era of hardships for those unfortunate enough to call these lands home. While its denizens may not have much in the way of material goods, they make up for it with rich stories to tell.

The Tales of Sanctuary short stories will introduce a cast of new characters, with a few familiar faces sprinkled in. The first two entries into this series, “Witness” by Alma Katsu and “The Toll of Darkness and Light” by Jonathan Maberry, can be read below.


by Alma Katsu

Diablo 4 short stories 2

Tejal has spent centuries as part of the Hedaji, a sacred order of scribes who record heroic feats and glorious deaths and capture these moments within powerful artifacts. But when a curious man with a killer’s eyes steps into her parlor, Tejal reaches back through an eternity of bloodshed to recall the violent day that set her on her path.

Read “Witness” by Alma Katsu now!

“The Toll of Darkness and Light”

by Jonathan Maberry

Diablo 4 short stories 2

Tejal tells the tale of Klath-Ulna, the Golden One, who rode from town to town visiting death and retribution upon the Zakarum, claiming their church bells to forge his magnificent armor. The town of Saint’s Calling is nearly bereft of its defenders, but one remains: a young paladin in training, in whom Klath-Ulna hears an echo of the brother he rides to avenge.

Read “The Toll of Darkness and Light” by Jonathan Maberry now!


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