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Diablo 4 Beta, the Dev Stream, Fashion and more – Vidcast/Podcast Episode 21

The Diablo 4 beta, the dev stream, HellsInk, Diablo fashion, and more are all covered in this episode.

Diablo 4 Beta, the Dev Stream, Fashion and more – Vidcast/Podcast Episode 21

This is the first Diablo Vidcast/Podcast since the Beta/Armor/Strongholds Diablo 4 developer live stream and the team is on-hand to break it down.

In this episode, HC/SCXanth, Neinball, and Nerdwards look at the latest Diablo 3 season, HellsInk, Diablo fashion, the Diablo 4 beta, the dev stream, and more. It’s a packed episode.

Watch the Diablo 4 Beta Dev Stream Analysis Vidcast

Don’t forget to drop us a sub on the Youtube channel. Your subs help make The Diablo Podcast possible. Previous podcasts can also be found here.

Running Order

00:01:00 The new Diablo 3 Season. Progress so far and impressions.
00:15:12 HellsInk update and PureDiablo community pics
00:19:46 WTF! A Diablo fashion show?
00:25:00 Taking a Waypoint Segment
00:26:35 Developer Live Stream discussion on all topics

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