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Diablo 4 at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023

See you at Phoenix Fan Fusion for more Diablo 4 indulgence.

Diablo 4 at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023

Phoenix Fan Fusion is a colossal fan con that’s happening June 2nd through June 4th at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ USA, and Diablo 4 is featuring prominently in the events schedule.


Panel presentations

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in three panel presentations that will provide comprehensive coverage of this monumental game release.

Diablo 4 at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023
Inarius & Lilith

Angels & Demons: Diablo 4 Lore – June 2nd at 3:00 p.m. PDT – Room 127C North

This epic tale of love and betrayal has been millennia in the making. Inarius and Lilith’s relationship shaped the world of Sanctuary as well as the Diablo game franchise. Our journey together will take you from the birth of the Diablo universe and the creation of Sanctuary to the Prophecy of the End Days and the subsequent Return to Darkness with the summoning of Lilith and her interminable clash with Inarius.

Diablo 4 at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023

Return to Darkness: Diablo 4 Game Preview – June 3rd at 1:30 p.m. PDT – Room 127C North

The Diablo game franchise has, at long last, returned to its contextual roots while, at the same time, progressed forward with MMO-style gaming. Join your fellow Diablo fans as we engage in a lavish discussion covering the highlights from the next game in this ground- breaking series in eager anticipation of its imminent release.

Diablo 4 at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2023
Diablo 4 Classes

Diablo 4 Gamer Forum – June 3rd at 4:30 p.m. PDT – Room 128AB North

Join with fellow gamers in solidarity as we prepare to thwart adversaries from the High Heavens and the Burning Hells who dare to threaten our existence in Sanctuary. This session will include audience Q&A and an interactive discussion forum, as well as game play experience from the Open Betas and the first days of Early Access.


Hope to see you there

If you’re in the Phoenix area, then you won’t want to miss this opportunity to join your fellow gamers in experiencing more Diablo 4 content as we head towards its highly anticipated release on June 6th. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or would like more information about this event.

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