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The Diablo Podcast / Vidcast Episode 9 – Trading in Diablo 4 and the Diablo franchise

This week HCXanth is joined by Angzt and Vang for a debate about trading in the Diablo franchise and what’s expected in Diablo 4.

The Diablo Podcast this week tackles the much-dabated topic of trading in Diablo4 and the Diablo franchise.

This week the Podcast crew tackle the topic of trading in Diablo 4 and the Diablo franchise.

We already know some of the aspects of trading in Diablo 4 but not everything is completely clear. So what we can expect from trading in Diablo 4? How should it be tackled and what should and should not be part of trading in the new game?

This week HXanth is joined by Angzt and Vang who share their thoughts on trading across the franchise, the problems of free and open trading, the defunct Diablo 3 auction house, and what needs to be done for Diablo 4.

All previous shows can be found here if you missed any.

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Running Order

00:00:00 – Welcome and introductions.
00:03:00 – The Diablo 4 closed beta and expected release date.
00:07:20 – Discussing the different systems of Diablo trading.
00:39:56 – What does Diablo 4 trading need?

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