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Return of the Diablo Podcast – Episode #222

Welcome back everyone to the Diablo Podcast! With the announcement of Diablo IV it’s hard not to get into the hype and speculation mode and as a result.

Welcome back everyone to the Diablo Podcast! With the announcement of Diablo IV it’s hard not to get into the hype and speculation mode and as a result. What better pairing for the long wait until release than the podcast? Now that being said, I know I’m not Flux. We’ll have some hiccups until we hit his level but I’m ready for the challenge and I hope you’ll stay awhile and listen.

This week I am joined by Thunderclaww, a long-time Diablo player and Reddit Diablo moderator. We dig into his reaction to Diablo IV, Blizzcon, and how playing it felt as well. We also begin to speculate on and solve the itemization problem. In the weeks to come, we hope to focus on small ideas to help guide discussion and are looking for more people to join us.

If you happen to be interested in joining the podcast drop me a line at [email protected] or on twitter at @hcxanth. You can find previous shows on our Youtube channel or here on the site.

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