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Next Diablo 4 Developer Stream content revealed

More beta details and game system information such as Strongholds will be shared with the community on 28 February.

Diablo 4 Developer Stream

During yesterday’s early access and open beta announcement, Blizzard revealed that the next Diablo 4 Developer Stream will take place on 28 February. We now have more details.

What’s on the Diablo 4 Developer Stream?

In an update from Pez overnight, he’s given a few nuggets of information on what to expect from the stream. The stream will include more information on the Stronghold system and Armor systems. There will also be more discussion on the beta test.

Those of you concerned that your rig will not be able to handle Diablo 4 will also be pleased to know that there will be information on system requirements during the stream. Time for an upgrade perhaps? I know I upgraded my last PC just prior to Diablo 3 being released as it seemed like the right time to do it. No need this time thankfully which will save me a few bucks.

Last night’s tease from Rod Fergusson on a special treat for those that reach level 20 in the beta will also become clearer during the stream. A special mount or cosmetic perhaps? We’ll know soon enough.

Pez also mentions that more time will be set aside for Q&As. This is something Blizzard dev streams always seem to fall down on. Either they answer really common questions we all know, or they only answer a handful. Hopefully, they will really take the time to answer some of the more pressing questions the community has about the game.

After the last dev stream, there was some criticism that it was more a promo for the CE than anything else and there was not enough time spent on discussing the actual game systems. I think we can all agree that these streams should be more focused on the game and less on merchandising. Sure, it’s fine to promo stuff but not for more than half the show.

It’s fans that are really following the game that tune into these Diablo 4 developer streams and it sounds like there has been lessons learned after the last one.


Dont;f forget to check the Diablo 4 Wiki for all your Diablo 4 information.

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