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Lilith gets a Diablo 4 Chocolate Shop in London

Want some Diablo 4 chocolate shaped likes skulls and bones? Head to London.

Lilith gets a Diablo 4 Chocolate Shop in London

This may be the strangest promos yet but it’s pretty great if you’re a chocolate lover. How about some Lilith & Co goremet (we see what you did there) chocolate? Yes, a Diablo 4 chocolate shop is coming.

A new pop-up shop is appearing on London at 15 Bateman Street, London, W1D 3AQ ahead of the Diablo 4 launch next week. The shop is an over-18s-only affair and it will be selling Diablo 4 inspired chocolate which will reportedly include human skulls, femurs, Demon Hearts, and chocolate runes. Does that mean we’re going to be getting runes in the game at some point?

The chocolate is pricey at, wait for it… £6.66,  but the sales are going to a good cause the UK videogame charity Special Effect which helps people with physical challenges through the medium of videogames and technology.

On top of the delicious choccy, if you head into the basement you can play the game.

Take note though, Lilith & Co will only be open 3-4 June from 12PM to 6PM.

You have to hand it to Blizzard, they are going all-out with this Diablo 4 launch.

Source: Hot Dinners

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