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Diablo 4 interview highlights Blizzard’s challenges

This is a live service game and it’s going to take time according to Rod.

Gamespot Diablo 4 interview highlights Blizzard's challenges

There’s no doubt the past month or so has been challenging for the Blizzard Diablo 4 team following feedback from the current Season 1. So why are there stumbling blocks?

In a new Diablo 4 interview with Gamespot filmed at Gamescom over the weekend, Rod Gregusson and Chris Wilson are probed about some of the current issues. The interview also highlights exactly why the game is where it is right now.

Fergusson and Wilson acknowledge there are challenges with a live service game but also point out that there’s inexperience in the development team when it comes to the Diablo franchise.

“Doing a live service like this is new for this team. We have some D3 veterans but a good part of this team for Diablo 4 is the very first game they have shipped. We’re still going to learn as we go. I get the ‘hey your Blizzard and you shouldn’t make mistakes’ but at the same time the industry is always changing, the games are always changing, and what I like about a live service is we can evolve over time, it’s not a fixed state. We’re going to support the game for years to come and we can evolve and learn as we go”.

Much of what Rod shares does explain some of the decisions that the community has not been happy with since the game launched and also why the game feels a little bare-boned at the moment. I have mentioned it time and time again in posts since the game launched, it’s going to take a while until Diablo 4 feels like it’s in the place we expect it to be.

You have to remember how long it took Blizzard to sort out Diablo3, and while I think there’s less of an excuse when it comes to Diablo 4, there was a lot going on behind the scenes and development of Diablo 4 has not been easy because of this. When you lose key people during development it’s going to have a big impact. Give the video below a watch.

While I am on the subject of Gamescom, there really was not much to report from other interviews, nothing of real note for the game at least.

Watch the Diablo 4 interview

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