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Diablo 3 Season 34 start has been delayed

There’s a lot going on rightnow so it’s best to delay it says Blizzard.

Diablo 3 Season 34 start has been delayed

A lot is going on with Diablo right now thanks to the start of Diablo 4 Season 7 this week. With that in mind, the Diablo 3 Season 34 start has been delayed.

Blizzard issued the following notice and reasons for the delay.

1) We received a good amount of feedback that many didn’t want overlap with the first weekend of Diablo IV’s new season. We agree so we are building out that gap and will be more mindful of that going forward.

2) This will help us properly ensure account states migrate over as we had an issue with the prior season rolling early and us having to kick things back on.

You can find the exact times on our Season 34 blog.

The Diablo 3 Season, called Season 34: The Season of Light, will now start on January 31 at 5 p.m. PST/CET/KST. More details on what to expect in this Season can be found here.

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