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Diablo 2 Resurrected PTR next week and new Runewords Incoming

New runewords will be revealed this weekend. Stay tuned.

Diablo 2 Resurrected PTR next week and new Runewords Incoming

With Season 3 just around the corner, Blizzard is getting ready to test out new additions including new Runewords. A PTR should be live early next week according to today’s update.

A note from Pez this afternoon reads as follows:

We are currently looking at ramping up a PTR for early next week. Big focus will be testing out some new runewords.

You may start to see those over the weekend from some friends. The team is looking forward to the feedback.


Keep an eye out over the weekend for an update on those new Runewords. Vang will be taking a look at what they offer when the details arrive so stay tuned for that too,

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