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No Plans to Nerf Diablo 4 Season 2 Changes

The Diablo 4 you’re playing now is staying according to Joe.

No Plans to Nerf Diablo 4 Season 2 Changes

I think we can all agree that Season 2 has been a much better Diablo 4 experience for everyone. So what about the future?

According to Joe Shely the team has no plans to nerf Diablo 4 following the recent sweeping changes in patch 1.2.0. You might have thought they would but it’s not on the cards says Joe.

I for one have been really enjoying the changes so far, what with more bosses, targeted farming now a thing, and a much-improved leveling speed, it’s all going in the right direction.

With the game in a much better place this Season, Blizzard can knuckle down and improve the endgame and the overall experience. We all knew this would take time and after Season 1 and the problems that brought, it’s very they have been listening.

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1 year ago

Yay! They finally figured out what makes the fans truely happy.

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