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Diablo IV “a way out from launch” – Dev Updates Next Year

Blizzard wants to make sure you know that Diablo IV is nowhere near ready for public consumption.

Blizzard wants to make sure you know that Diablo IV is nowhere near ready for public consumption.  Updates from the team are not expected to appear until early next year and they won’t be that frequent.

[BLUE]We’re very excited to reveal one of our most eagerly anticipated projects and have you all take a closer look at what’s next for Diablo.

This comes with a caveat; we’re still a way out from launch. Because we’re heads down in development, we’re not launching a dedicated forum for Diablo IV yet.

However, we still want you to feel welcome to discuss the game amongst yourselves. While we may not be able to answer all your burning questions, we are committed to sharing updates with the community and participating when we can.

Beginning next year, we will be providing quarterly updates regarding the progress of Diablo IV’s development. This might take the form of a blog or a developer post here, which we’ll sticky and leave open for ongoing discussion until the next update is available.

We’ll also keep an updated table of contents of all updates in this post so you’ll have a convenient place to refer to them over the course of development. We’ve included all the news coming out of this weekend so far to get you started.

Thanks for patiently awaiting this next chapter, and we’ll see you in Hell![SOURCE][/SOURCE][/BLUE]

Although there is no official forum, which is probably a good thing at this stage, I encourage you to use the forums here to discuss your thoughts on the game so far.

In the meantime, you can check out the updates on the official Diablo site which covers the basics of what’s been announced so far.