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Uber Diablo – Diablo Clone

Uber Diablo
He’s Uber!

Uber Diablo Details

Uber Diablo (also called the Diablo Clone) is a special event boss that was added to the game in v1.10. He can only spawn on the realms, and appears after a given number of Stone of Jordan unique rings have been sold on that particular server.

When Uber Diablo spawns in a game the message “Evil Walks the Earth” appears. He should appear in place of the next SuperUnique to spawn, though this can be tricky to determine in a large game with multiple players in multiple locations. He is substantially more powerful than the Diablo you face at the end of Act Four, with far more hit points, higher resistances, and the ability to deal out a lot more damage. He can also use a special version of the Druid’s Armageddon spell, which causes fireballs down all around him.

He will only spawn on Hell difficulty and drops the Annihilus Charm and is the only monster who does.

His full list of skills and abilities includes: Fire Nova, Pink Lightning Hose, Cold Touch, Fire Wall, Firestorm, Bone Prison, Charge, Armageddon, and even a Taunt that is just for show.

  • Uber Diablo only spawns on Hell, so all values are for that difficulty.

The Diablo 2 Resurrected Uber Diablo

The Diablo Clone has been changed slightly in Diablo 2 Resurrected patch 2.4 and progress can be tracked using the /uberdiablo chat command.

Uber Diablo progress for each game type will now be kept by the regional database. When the threshold is met by selling enough Stone of Jordan rings, Uber Diablo will spawn for everyone in the same region, not only those on the same server instance.

Progress towards Uber Diablo is now tracked per game type. Gathering a total of 8 progressions being tracked. Those being Classic, Classic Hardcore (HC), Classic Ladder, Classic HC Ladder, Expansion, Expansion HC, Expansion Ladder, Expansion HC Ladder. Given this change, we have added new messaging for players to help them anticipate when Uber Diablo may spawn.

This messaging will be sent out to all players in the region at certain tiers of progress and can be manually checked by using a /uberdiablo chat command. We hope these changes allow more players to get to experience the true terror that is Uber Diablo.

Note: Do not confuse Uber Diablo with Pandemonium Diablo who is found in Uber Tristram as part of the Pandemonium Event, a special realm-only quest added in v1.11.


Only one item is dropped, the Unique Annihilus Charm. He is the only monster in the game that can drop this item.

LevelExperienceHit PointsSpeedMax TC/Rune


Uber Diablo’s stats are all preset. He does not get any random Monster Modifiers.

Melee Attack 1Attack RatingMelee AttackAttack RatingCharge

Magical Attacks

Uber Diablo uses a variety of spells to supplement his melee strikes. Several of these hit for physical + elemental damage, making physical resistance extremely important for characters who wish to survive this battle.

Pink LightningCold ShockFire NovaFirestormFirewallArmageddon
Physical: 189-207/sec
Lightning: 342-432/sec
Magic damage:
87-121 (8s chill)
100-130Physical: 21-30
Fire: 56-71
Hits: 9-27
43-44/secPhysical: 56-72
Fire: 210-275
Duration: 62 sec


Uber Diablo regenerates hit points, a rare talent for a SuperUnique. His regeneration rate is the standard 1.2%/sec, but it seems very fast since he has such a vast reservoir of hit points. 1.2% of 642,700 = 7712.4 per second. In other words, he regenerates more hit points every second than most Hell difficult monsters have in total, and with his blocking and huge resistances, the comparison is even more skewed.

  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character’s mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character’s cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
DefenseBlockingRegen RateDrain EffectivenessChill Effectiveness


  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be “broken” by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%.
Uber Diablo

Locations  – Where will he appear?

All SuperUniques (except for Uber Diablo) are found in roughly the same location every game, on all three difficulty levels. (Except for the Uber Monsters who are only found on Hell Difficulty.)

Act 1-5: Uber Diablo takes the place of the next SuperUnique to spawn in the game after the “Evil Walks the Earth” message appears in a realm game. He can appear in all five acts.