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BlizzCon Schedules – In-person and Virtual

Both an in-person and virtual schedule are available.

blizzcon 2021 - BlizzCon

Tomorrow is the big day as the next BlizzCon gets underway. Now we have better schedules.

While I am not expecting much for Diablo this year based on what we’ve seen from the show floor and the earlier schedules, there is the opening ceremony and the the Dev Chat to check out.

The full schedules for each day are on the BlizzCon site now showing exactly when and where stuff is happening and all times are set to your local timezone.

If you are there in person and need the schedule, check this page for all the details. For those of you wanting to watch the action virtually, there is a separate schedule page showing what is on and when.

The two things to watch out for if you’re wanting Diablo content are the opening ceremony where that might reveal something, and the campfire dec chat on the second day.

If there is anything worth posting prior to the Diablo 4 dev chat on day two, we’ll make sure it’s here on PureDiablo.

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