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Australian Diablo 4 launch times clarified

Fear not if you are living down under, you will be playing on the 6th of June.

Australian Diablo 4 Launch times

Following yesterday’s news that the game will launch a little earlier than expected in the US, gamers in Australia may be a little confused by recent official launch time mentions in emails. So, here’s some clarification on Australian Diablo 4 launch times.

PureDiablo Twitter follower TrainerSkitz pointed out that emails being sent out after the betas to Aussie gamers were stating a launch date of 7 June.

Since that note appeared on our timeline, another email has gone out with the developer chat promotion stating that Australian gamers will be playing on 6 June at 8AM.

Effectively what is happening is that there’s a global launch time based around the PST time zone which is set for 4PM in the US.

Time zone differences can be a real pain when it comes to global launches but it’s good news for Australians as they can start playing nice and early in the day. Meanwhile, EU players are going to have to play through the early hours of the morning if they want to get some decent play time in.

Time to move to Australia?

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