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Two Diablo 4 Expansions in the works

Fear not, there’s plenty more Diablo 4 to come.

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Just when you thought you had time to rest and enjoy the game now it’s finally out, you can now look forward to at least another two Diablo 4 expansions,

In an interview with Kinda Funny Games just prior to launch, Rod Fergusson dropped the expansion news adding:

“So you have to build your team and your structure around a way you can do that sustainably, because you’re kind of always shipping in a way. As I sit here we’re about to launch the main game, we’re finishing up season one, we’re working on season two, we’re working on expansion one, we’re kicking off expansion two… we’re working on that now and we haven’t even launched the game.”

So there you have it, there is still so much to look forward to in the years ahead and it really feels that at the Diablo franchise is finally getting the love it deserves after decade-long waits between titles.

If you missed it, the full interview can be found over on their Youtube channel.

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