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I’ll Have a Diablo 4 Double Duriel Please

A new Diablo 4 Hotfix includes Double Uber drops from Duriel.

I'll Have a Diablo 4 Double Duriel Please

The holiday gifts just keep coming in Diablo 4. The most recent Hotfix has doubled the Uber Unique drop rates from Duriel between today and January 8th. There have also been balance changes made to the Metamorphosis Vampiric Power; complete details below.


HOTFIX 5 – December 20, 2023 – 1.2.3a

Game Updates

  • Echo of Duriel drop rates for Uber Uniques will now be doubled until January 8th.

Developer Note: We’re boosting Duriel Uber Unique drop rates until January 8th to help all those looking for that special piece of gear. Happy Holidays!

  • Vampire Power Update:
    • Metamorphosis: Unstoppable duration changed to a flat rate instead of scaling with Vampiric power level.
      • Unstoppable duration changed to 2.5 seconds at all levels. No longer increases per level.
      • Damage increased from 80%/120%/160% to 110%/180%/250%
    • Note: Metamorphosis in-game tooltip will not reflect these new values, and will be updated at a later date through a client update.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where in extreme cases, Charged Bolts would result in stability and performance issues.


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