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Diablo 4 PTR Prologue skip added

Thankfully, the prologue is gone if you so choose.

Diablo 4 PTR Patch notes expected this week

A couple of smaller updated appeared following the launch of the Diablo 4 PTR earlier and the good news is the Prologue can now be skipped and you can get to that 100 boost in Kyovoshad quicker.

When you click the skip campaign checkbox after character creation, you will now appear at the Kypvoshad waypoint.

April 2 | PTR Update

  • When creating a new character, players will now have the option to Skip Campaign, this will enable the PTR Boost NPC in Kyovashad.

Previous Note

Hello –

We wanted to provide a note regarding Campaign Skip functionality in PTR and how it will work.

When PTR begins, you will need to complete the Prologue of the game before the Boost NPC will appear in town. The NPC will allow you to skip the campaign along with all the other boosts.

The team is working on a possible client patch to remove the need to playthrough the Prologue, but this won’t be available right at the start of the PTR.

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