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Diablo 4 Hotfix Coming for Abattoir of Zir

The next Diablo 4 Hotfix will address some of the recent Abattoir of Zir player feedback.

Diablo 4 Hotfix Coming for Abattoir of Zir

Earlier this evening, Adam Fletcher, Associate Director of Community, posted a message on his Twitter page indicating that there will soon be another Diablo 4 Hotfix with changes made to the Abattoir of Zir challenge in response to player feedback. It’s been only one day since the release of this new content and many of the players who have been complaining for weeks about how Diablo 4 was too easy are now grumbling about how the AoZ is impossibly difficult to beat.

One item that is likely to be addressed with these changes is the cost of crafting Bloodforged Sigils. As discussed in yesterday’s AoZ article, the Bloodforged Sigil crafting economy has quickly become a significant obstacle for many players. This is due to both the steep scaling of the Glyph XP required to level up the Tears of Blood glyph combined with the need to craft lots of extra sigils as a result of the wipe mechanic.

Players are also complaining about the lack of incentives for grinding out Abattoir dungeons. As things stand, the reward for doing so is essentially just more Glyph XP becuase the chances of getting any level 925 gear or unique items from an AoZ dungeon is less than from a Duriel run. Consequently, many players have indicated that they’ve already given up on the event because there’s no compelling reason to go on.

Check back here later in the week for an update on all of the AoZ changes that are in store before the weekend.

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