We knew it was coming and now we have a definitive date for the next Campfire chat. It will take place on the 20 March at 11AM PDT.
According to the update, there are “sweeping changes” coming to the game and this will include itemisation as has been hinted at already. The PTR will also be discussed as well as more on Season 4 which is not too far away.
We’ll also detail how to access our first Public Test Realm (PTR) in Diablo IV, available to PC BattleNet users. This PTR allows you to get your first taste of the changes coming in Season 4. During the PTR, we’ll listen closely to your feedback to make adjustments before the Season arrives for all.
We’ll also hold a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.
Visit our official Diablo Twitch and YouTube channels to watch live! Following the Campfire Chat’s conclusion, we’ll post another article with a video of the chat so you can catch up on the details if you miss them.
This could be one of the most important campfire chats yet. Itemisation has been a hot topic since the game launched last year. We’re intrigued by what these “sweeping changes” could be.
Make sure you check out PureDiablo for one of our full live recaps in case you can’t tune in live.
What are you hoping to hear from the Dev team?
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