There’s one thing about the Season content I don’t like, it’s when the good stuff vanishes and Vaults fall into that category. I get why stuff is removed, but at this stage, Blizzard should be carefully picking out the good stuff to add to the main game.
When Season 3 launched there was the usual backlash about this, that, and the next thing, Vaults got the brunt of it. Following some changes to make them easier, which is not something I think they should have done, players felt a little more satisfied with the experience even if a lot of the jeopardy had been removed.
In a post from Pez, he said the following regarding keeping Vaults in some form in the main game:
We’re not sure what’s going to go and what will stay but we can assume that Gate Hall will be gone as a central hub for the Vaults. Perhaps the Gate Hall should stay as another area to explore in the main game. Another suggestion was to add Vaults randomly into cellars which is not a bad idea. How many of you bother with cellars now? Probably not many unless it’s to snag some quick Whispers.
In the recent dev chat tease they also mentioned that “bloodthirsty powers set to make their return.” This indicates that Vampiric powers from Season 2 will return in some form so it appears the team is open to keeping some of the more popular from previous seasons.
I think we can all agree there is still a lot still to be done with the game. When it launched it was apparent that it was going to take some time to find its feet, probably 12 months, and that seems to be playing out. We have to take into account all the internal issues at Blizzard during Diablo 4’s development that affected its progress, and by all accounts, it was a miracle it released when it did.
With that in mind, it makes sense to cherry-pick the popular features from Seasons and keep them active in some form to offer more variety, especially for the endgame which is where content is lacking. This should also apply to the Eternal realm as not everyone plays the Seasons for whatever reason.
So what do you think? Should Vaults stay? Should they be consigned to the Season history books? It does seem a shame to hide all that work away until they start re-running previous Seasons further down the line as they have done with Diablo 3.
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I enjoy the vaults because they feel a lot more like exploring an actual dungeon than normal nightmare dungeons. After running several hundred vaults, though, the lack of variety does become an issue. What we like about vaults may be more indicative of what needs to change in regular dungeons than it is a queue to simply preserve vaults in their current state. There’s obviously the increased loot and mob density and the element of risk/reward, but what stands out to me is the fact that you need to mentally and physically engage with the dungeon in your moment-to-moment gameplay. Timing of movement, learning and anticipating the layout of a particular location, maneuvering into positions that give you an advantage against enemies. Ordinary dungeons don’t generally prompt any of those things, which is why they feel like such a chore in comparison.
They should keep the vaults and The Gatehall but undo the nerf to the trap system.
Yes. Any content is a bouns. I like the Sensual Constructs but that would probably cause some balance issues if they added them to the eternal realm.