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Close Quarters Combat

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Close Quarters Combat is a Rogue passive skill from the Key Passives skill tree.


Close Quarters Combat

Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 15%[+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds.
While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, you deal increased damage equal to 15%[x] of your Damage vs Close bonus.

Damage: Physical Damage
Tags: Marksman, Cutthroat

Items that work with Close Quarters Combat

The following item is designed specifically to work with Close Quarters Combat.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Elusive Menace
Defensive While you have both bonuses from the Close Quarters Combat Key Passive active, your Dodge Chance increases by [4 - 7]%[+] whenever you're hit by an enemy. Successfully Dodging resets this bonus.

Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet (+50%)

N/A Extraction Rogue

* Extraction means the Legendary Aspect can be removed from any Legendary item at the Occultist. A dungeon name means the Aspect will be added to your Codex of Power as a reward after completing that dungeon.

Changes to Close Quarters Combat

Patch 2.0, October 8, 2024

  • Now scales from 15% of Damage to Close rather than 10% of Damage vs Crowd Controlled.

Patch 1-3-0, January 23, 2024

  • Amount of Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus conversion percent reduced from 40% to 10%.
  • Attack Speed per stack increased from 10% to 15%.

Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

  • Damage Calculation Updated.
    • Previous: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% (additive damage) [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, you deal 30% [x] increased damage against Crowd-Controlled enemies.
    • New: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, your damage dealt is increased by 40%[x] of the total amount of your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus.

Patch 1-0-3, June 27, 2023

  • Damage bonus increased from 20% to 30%.