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Weak Elixir of Shadow Resistance - Archive

From Diablo 4 Wiki

This item has been removed from Diablo 4.

Elixirs are a great way to boost stats and increase the rate at which you earn experience points.

Many of them are crafted by an Alchemist and will require you to collect Crafting Materials out in the world from bushes and slaying monsters. They can also drop as rewards and some can be purchased from the Dark Citadel Vendor.

  • Can have 1 Elixir active at the same time
  • Most last 30 minutes and persist through death, some last 15 minutes
  • Most affect only you
  • Can consume Elixirs whilst Crowd Controlled
  • You can have Incense active at the same time
  • Buffs from both your Elixir and Incense can stack but the Experience buff from any Elixir you have active will only stack with the Experience buff from a single Incense.
  • Most can be traded with other players
  • Full list of Elixirs

Name Req Description Cost
Weak Elixir of Shadow Resistance 15 Increases Shadow Resistance by + 10%, Maximum Shadow Resistance by + 2%, and Experience by 5% for 30 minutes. 10 Gallowvine
6 Blightshade
1,000 Gold