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Heir of Perdition

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Heir of Perdition is a Mythic Unique helm that can be equipped by any class and has a very small chance (0.5%) to drop from Elite monsters level 55 and above and will always drop at an item power of 925.

Heir of Perdition can be crafted at the Jeweler using Runes.


Heir of Perdition

"Beware false prophets donned as sheep yet bearing the stench of wolves. Thou shalt know them by their fruits. For a tree of good cannot produce evil, nor thorns yield a harvest sweet and fair."

Type: Mythic Unique Helm
Class: All Classes

Description: Give in to hatred and earn Lilith's Favor, increasing your damage dealt by 60%[x]. Slaughter enemies to briefly steal Lilith's Favor from Nearby allies.

  • +200.0% Damage to Angels and Demons

Affixes: (Item Power 800)

Changes to Heir of Perdition

Patch 2.0, October 8, 2024

  • Added in Season 6 and craftable with Runes.