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Critical Strike

From Diablo 4 Wiki
(Redirected from Critically Strikes)

Critical Strike is a game mechanic that applies bonus damage beyond its normal amount. There are two facets to Critical Strike, the Chance of it happening and the amount of Damage when it does happen.

  • Critical Strike Chance: This is the probability of landing a Critical Strike. By default, all characters have a base 5% chance to deal a Critical Strike.
  • Critical Strike Damage: The extra damage dealt when a Critical Strike happens. By default, Critical Strikes deal 50% more damage than a normal attack.

Critical Strike Chance can be further boosted by your Basic Stats that you can increase via Paragon Boards, Gems and Items:

Unique Items, Legendary Aspects and Tempering Manuals offer sizable boosts to both the Chance and Damage of your Critical Strikes. Finally, each class has skills than amplify Critical Strike or perform some other effect when you Critically strike.

Changes to Critical Strike

Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

  • Critical Strikes now always deal x50% increased damage.
  • Critical Strike Damage Affix, and Critical Strike Damage with Bone, Earth, Imbued, and Werewolf Skills Affixes has increased by 20%.
  • Critical Strike Damage Affix (Inherent on Swords) has increased by 100%.
  • Critical Strike Damage Paragon Glyphs has increased by 100%.