Scattered Prisms are used by the Jeweler to add sockets to items.
Type | Quality | Description | Found in |
Legendary | Scattered Prisms are used exclusively in adding Sockets into items at the Jeweler. | Most often dropped from World Bosses, regular bosses and Elites. Less often they can be looted from Treasure Goblins or salvaged from Legendary items.|- |
Changes to Scattered Prism
Patch 1.4.1, May 28, 2024
The drop rates for Scattered Prisms have been increased from multiple sources.
- Treasure goblins now drop Scattered Prisms more often.
- 15% Chance in World Tiers I and II
- 25% Chance in World Tier III
- 30% Chance in World Tier IV
- World Bosses now always drop Scattered Prisms, and the amount they drop increases by World Tier.
- World Tiers I and II: 1 Scattered Prism
- World Tier III: 2 Scattered Prisms
- World Tier IV: 3 Scattered Prisms
- The Butcher will always drop a Scattered Prism on defeat.
Patch 1.3.0, January 23, 2024
- The chance for Scattered Prisms to drop when defeating an Elite Monster has been reduced.
- Scattered Prisms can now be acquired from Legion Event Chests.